Episode 19
Don't Panic
September 25, 2023
Bryan! (00:02.696) You're listening to Bring Me the Axe. I'm Brian White, one half of this morbid equation, and I'm joined by my co-host and actual brother Dave White. Dave, how you doing?
Dave! (00:10.946) Ah, pretty good. I'm pretty good. Um, you know what I feel about this thing? I went to see Stevie Nicks.
Bryan! (00:14.815) What was that?
Bryan! (00:18.636) No shit, because, uh, did you? Because, uh, Delilah was there.
Dave! (00:24.062) I had just learned that this afternoon. It was an experience.
Bryan! (00:29.66) Yeah. Yeah, I hear that she fucking rips.
Dave! (00:32.45) She was great. I will never go back to Gillette Stadium for anything.
Bryan! (00:39.024) I don't blame you. It's it's kind of a it's kind of a thing because they all went to that Taylor Swift nonsense too. And it took them it took them like three hours just to get out of the parking lot.
Dave! (00:46.318) Goddamn.
Dave! (00:50.59) Yeah, yeah, it was that. Like it took like an hour to find the fucking car.
Bryan! (00:52.425) Yeah.
That's crazy. Did you stay for the whole thing?
Dave! (00:58.134) We left about, I don't know, six or seven songs into Billy Joel's set. Because I'm going to tell you something right now, and maybe this is a hot take. Billy Joel's music is cheesy as fuck. It is at one point, at one point he was he was playing a song called Zanzibar, and I actually leaned over and said, this song is fucking terrible. And, you know, I don't I don't like hate all his music, but most of it's really
Bryan! (01:03.229) Yeah.
Bryan! (01:09.68) Yeah, it is. It is. It really is. Not a fan. Not a fan.
Bryan! (01:16.543) Yeah.
Bryan! (01:20.884) Hahaha!
Dave! (01:27.591) It is like white guy jazz.
Bryan! (01:29.824) It's really, really corny stuff. And I'm gonna tell you, I'm not terribly sympathetic towards the stuff that people consider classics. I'm just not a fan. I don't see the appeal at all. No.
Dave! (01:39.254) No. And it was it was like, you know, I'm used to going to very small musical events, and this place obviously is enormous. It's a football stadium. And it's people just fucking wandering around like during the performance. Like it's like it's a county fair. They're just sort of like walking around a lot of really drunk wine mums. Like people just people just trashed.
Bryan! (02:05.058) Yeah.
Bryan! (02:09.416) Yeah, I think the last time that I was there was 20 years ago, 20, maybe more than that. And it was one of those big like radio station festivals. And it was it was white people just letting it all out and lots of vomit, lots of vomit, lots of sexual assault. Not not my scene was not feeling it.
Dave! (02:27.67) Yeah.
Dave! (02:33.814) Was this Woodstock 94?
Bryan! (02:36.57) No, you'd think it was no it was one of those WBCN like River Rave things was one of the most fucking hedonistic just satanic shows I've ever been to.
Dave! (02:45.278) Yeah, when the South Shore does it, they really go wild, apparently.
Bryan! (02:49.605) Oh my god. Yeah, yeah, but I got to see the cult. So that was a thing.
Dave! (02:51.534) Uh, well, they're pretty great. But as for me, I am going to stay out of the goddamn suburbs. I do not belong there.
Bryan! (02:58.216) Yeah, oh Jesus, they're dangerous. So we practically grew up in neighborhood video stores and the steady diet of utter garbage that those shops provided us with continues unabated to this day. And there's no one else I enjoy chopping it up with more about trashy movies than Dave. Just before we get into it, here's a little housekeeping. If you wanna keep up with us between episodes, you can also find us pretty much on all the socials.
by searching Bring Me the Axe Horror Podcast. You know, honestly, we're mostly active on Instagram these days, seeing a lot of action over there. Y'all are a lot of fun. So yeah, you can find us at Bring Me the Axe, and Dave's got one at That Queer Wolf. You can find us both. We have a good time. And we've also got a sweet website at bringmediaxe.com. You can list all of our past shows there and read the transcripts.
You can also contact us directly at bring me the ax pod at gmail.com with any questions comments or suggestions Do let us know if there's a movie that you love and would like to hear us give it the business Lastly if you like what you hear you can subscribe to us wherever you get your podcasts And you'll be doing us a favor by leaving us a five-star review on apple podcasts You can also do that on spotify now, which is very helpful Just want to get that all out of the way right at the top of the show So this tonight
We're bringing you one that we have been looking forward to for quite some time. And we're at. Yep, yep. And we're actually we're and this isn't being done in a vacuum. Like this is a bonus episode, but we're doing it in celebration of it. Hispanic Heritage Month. Yeah, because tonight's movie comes from Mexico.
Dave! (04:18.154) I fucking love this movie so much.
Dave! (04:29.898) Yep. And I'll tell you what, I think we should just say up top, big shout out to Vinegar Syndrome for bringing these Mexican movies, you know, to the American audiences, to cleaning this shit up and to getting a lot of bonus features on these discs, because this is not the only one they have put out some real quality stuff.
Bryan! (04:51.undefined) it's like they got their hands on like a shitload of it. We're like, okay, we gotta put this stuff out. Because yeah, all of a sudden, like all of all at once, there was like a bunch of these and it's not just restricted to Ruben Galindo Jr. Like there's also Renee Cardona and a couple of others in the mix. And it's all uniformly fun. So let's give him a let's give him a taste. Give you a taste of what's going on tonight.
Dave! (06:39.298) Goddamn.
Bryan! (06:39.604) bitchin' Tony. Yeah. Tonight's, tonight's movie is Don't Panic. Uh yeah, this, this is one that until you mentioned it, I had never heard of this movie. Um which is actually not entirely true cuz this, this showed up, I think, uh this, this was in the mix in, I think the last of those in Search of Darkness documentaries and I think right around that time, you were also like really getting into this one.
Dave! (07:08.562) Yeah, he because he put out this is Ruben Glendale Jr. put out three kind of three horror movies. He doesn't really do horror anymore. He does like it looks like just mostly television. But he put out three horror movies in like a span of, I think, three years, like back to back. And this is the third of them. It's the only one that's in English.
Bryan! (07:23.901) It's, yeah.
Bryan! (07:28.476) Well, wait, I think Grave Robbers actually came out after this one because it was yeah, cemetery.
Dave! (07:33.053) Well, this was this was shot in 87, but I don't think it came out until 89.
Bryan! (07:37.42) Oh, all right. Yeah, because everything because I have this listed as a movie from 87, but that's I think in search of darkness places it in 88 everybody else says 87. I know that. Oh, yeah, because was it cemetery terror came out and then this one falls in the mix. I think in the middle between that and then grave robbers.
Dave! (07:45.922) Jesus Christ, just fucking throw a dart, I guess.
Dave! (07:59.402) Yeah, and they are all, they're basically just knockoffs of kind of a popular American tropes, I guess, more than movies themselves.
Bryan! (08:08.204) Yeah. He he Galindo Jr seems to be a big fan of Evil Dead because that just pops up in all of the movies at least some and Nightmare on Elm Street. Yeah, cuz this movie that we're gonna do tonight is basically uh Nightmare on Elm Street 2. Kind of I mean, yeah, but uh yeah, so um
Dave! (08:16.126) Oh, and Nightmare on Elm Street.
Dave! (08:26.121) Kind of, yeah.
Bryan! (08:31.56) Let's do let's okay. So as usual a warning before we get started. We're going to talk about this thing from beginning to end spoilers to follow. I don't know if it really matters if we spoil this one because it's just no sense.
Dave! (08:42.226) Now this movie makes not a lot of sense. You are gonna walk away with more questions than answers.
Bryan! (08:47.636) so much so much fun though so like we said the year was 1987 so some other movies released that year were A Nightmare on Elm Street 3, The Dream Warriors, also The Gate which I watched just recently for the first time probably since I was like 13.
Dave! (09:05.706) You know, I did too, like six months ago.
Bryan! (09:07.9) Yeah, yeah. And I was surprised by how well that movie holds up. And also, I've not ever seen the second one. I think when it comes to horror movies, I tend to go into sequels. Unless there's something like really well known, a brand that I can trust, I tend to be a little jaded about them. Like, I stayed away from Return of the Living Dead Part II for until I think about this year, because I just...
Dave! (09:11.91) It does, you know what doesn't? The second one.
Dave! (09:33.567) It's fucking terrible.
Bryan! (09:34.752) because I suspected that there was no way it could ever live up to the energy of the original one and it misses by a fucking mile. Yeah. Well, actually, yeah. Yeah. Also, that's right. Also, Dana Ashbrook from Twin Peaks is in it. Yeah. Let's see. Also, Prince of Darkness. Hell of a movie there. Also, Hellraiser, Evil Dead 2, and one of my favorite, Blood Rage.
Dave! (09:40.586) Yeah, same kid though in that one. It's in the gate.
Dave! (10:03.339) Not cranberry sauce.
Bryan! (10:03.38) That's not cranberry sauce. Yeah, so, casting crew. The director, like we said, this is Ruben Galindo Jr., who's the scion of the Galindo film legacy. His father directed some of the final movies in the El Santo series. He spent the bulk of his career directing like tough guy action movies. His son, however, was into horror movies, and he made a handful of them in the 80s with titles like Cemetery of Terror and Grave Robbers. There's also, what's that one about the rats?
Dave! (10:32.865) The devil rat demon rat it is not it does not hold up as well as
Bryan! (10:33.undefined) Demon Rat? Yeah.
Bryan! (10:39.26) No, no, they're all I think all of them except Demon Radar on Shudder. And.
Dave! (10:44.462) Demon Rock just Venera Syndrome just put that out. That one, I think is it has a very different vibe. It's a lot more like post apocalyptic sci fi than it is horror. And it's it looks to be shot on video, which I mean, I'm not always opposed to video, but it gives it a very different feel.
Bryan! (10:53.209) Oh yeah.
Bryan! (11:03.572) particularly video at that time. Like there's a bunch of horror movies. Yeah, there's a bunch of horror movies that were shot on video at that time. It was kind of novel, like JR Bookwalter made a bunch of movies like that. And while they're charming, there's something about the way that just a shot on video horror movie looks that turns me off.
Dave! (11:05.918) Yeah, it just feels cheap for no particular reason.
Dave! (11:24.842) Also, the early nighters are just fucking ugly. Like I just everything about it is ugly. It was like, I don't know. Everything looks cheap and terrible.
Bryan! (11:27.998) Yeah.
Bryan! (11:31.388) Yeah. But all the all the movies, all the Galindo Jr. movies that are worth watching are on shutter as of this recording. I recommend them. They're they're all a lot of fun. Nowadays, he produces telenovelas, which is you know,
Dave! (11:48.574) And I think like a kind of like a Mexico's Got Talent kind of game show, not game show, but.
Bryan! (11:52.368) It looks like, yeah, it looks like he does. It looks almost like, telenovelas, I think if you work in film and video in Mexico City, you're gonna work on a telenovela, because it's like, it's like Degrassi in Canada. It's just something you, you just cannot avoid. But yeah, it also looks like he's doing a lot of like, so you think you can dance kind of stuff, yeah. The cast is, well, the cast.
Dave! (12:11.501) Yeah.
Dave! (12:17.678) Bunch of people you've probably never heard of.
Bryan! (12:20.372) Nope. So this movie stars John Michael Bischoff, who is a total cipher. I have tried to find information about this guy, and he is a mystery. I know nothing about him. Information about him is really hard to come by. But between 87 and 91, he acted in, wrote, directed or composed music for Galindo movies, and then he fucking vanishes.
Dave! (12:46.142) It sounds like he was doing commercials before this. Like commercials in Los Angeles. Because we should say he is the only one that is not Mexican.
Bryan! (12:48.969) uh that would make sense cuz like before he was doing any
Bryan! (12:56.364) Right. Yeah, yeah. He's he's a big white guy with a YouTuber hair that kind of like broccoli curly thing going on with a it. Yep. But also, I think I found him on Instagram. And it seems like he joined just a few days ago. He's got one post. He's got one post. And that's
Dave! (13:06.442) It is a curly mullet. It is a big blonde curly mullet.
Dave! (13:21.378) or two of us.
Bryan! (13:26.452) That's it. It's about livestock. So maybe he's involved. Maybe he's involved with livestock these days. But yeah, he just likes hanging around like livestock auctions. You know, the way those guys rattle off the auctioneers, I don't blame them. It's like hip hop. It also stars a woman named Gabriella hassell
Dave! (13:28.532) Alright.
Dave! (13:32.786) Or maybe he's just an enthusiast.
Dave! (13:37.98) Yeah.
Bryan! (13:49.76) back in the day she screamed and ran around in terror in a handful of Galindo produced horror movies. A couple of years after this one she appears in Vacation of Terror which is yeah which is directed by Rene Cardona. The third yeah right because again like the yeah like the like the Galindos yeah it's like a family business.
Dave! (13:57.419) Fantastic film.
Uh, Rene Cardona Jr.? The third. Right, Jr. is 70s, 80s. Animal Killer.
Bryan! (14:16.888) So yeah, there's also there's also Vacation of Terror 2. I like this. I like this. I love the second one better because it's way goofy and very, very silly. But the. None whatsoever. But the first one has is like a is a horror movie version of the Chevy Chase.
Dave! (14:21.674) Fucking great movie. So good.
Dave! (14:28.286) And it makes zero sense.
Bryan! (14:37.352) vacation movies where it's about this guy who like inherits a summer home and he just wants his family to go there and just have a really nice time and he will not hear any of this shit about the place being haunted. It's really funny.
Dave! (14:50.514) And interestingly, so it's basically a ripoff of that movie, Kathy's Curse about like a cursed doll. But interestingly, his father made a movie, I can't remember the name of it off the top of my head. It's in one of those Renee Cardona collections from vinegar syndrome. And it has a very, very similar premise. It is a haunted doll killing.
Bryan! (14:54.104) Yeah. Right.
Bryan! (15:10.412) It's well, I mean, we keep going. Modern filmmakers keep going back to that fucking well, too. Like, what's the there's like there's like 15 Annabelle movies.
Dave! (15:18.442) Yeah, and you know what? Haunted dolls, they're not scary.
Bryan! (15:23.189) Not scary to me. Whatever.
Dave! (15:25.124) Nope. It's like clowns. People are like, Oh my god, clowns. And I'm like, shut the fuck up. You're dumb bullshit.
Bryan! (15:28.02) I know, I know. Yeah, so nowadays she unsurprisingly acts in telenovelas, which is what basically everybody in Mexico does, who's acting. Yep. I think, I believe you're legally required to at some point. Yep. She's, she's got a look that I don't wanna, she's got a look.
Dave! (15:37.354) Literally everybody.
Dave! (15:42.09) Yes, if you want a passport, you have to be in one episode.
Dave! (15:52.498) It is bold. It is a bold look. And if you can't tell what we're dancing around, ehhhh, I think you might. You might get it.
Bryan! (16:02.239) I just I don't dare. I don't dare pick on a woman's appearance because that is that is
Dave! (16:08.082) Or any, I mean, you don't need to talk about any, but it is a lot of choices that are being made vis-a-vis her appearance that are not related to beauty necessarily.
Bryan! (16:19.144) it's just she's got she's got a look it's very funny and then uh rounding out the cast is uh man named Juan Ignacio Aranda he plays Michael's best friend maybe uh Tony and he remains fairly active in Mexican TV today. Also, Gabriel uh Hassell is also still fairly active.
Dave! (16:42.062) So apparently the woman who played the mother in this was quite famous. I don't know what she was in, but she was like the bigger get for this.
Bryan! (16:46.302) uh...
Bryan! (16:50.596) Oh, no, the big get for this movie is an actress named Helen Rojo. And no, she's the teacher. Yeah, yeah. So so yeah, so her big thing is, by this point, she'd been acting since I think the 60s. Her real big claim to fame is she plays Dona Inez in that Herzog movie, Agare, the Wrath of God.
Dave! (16:54.126) She's the mother.
Dave! (16:58.722) Really? She's in it for like five seconds.
Dave! (17:18.83) Oh, the one that almost got him killed. Or alternatively, saved his life.
Bryan! (17:20.744) Yeah, yeah.
Bryan! (17:26.264) True as well. Also, like a lot of people in this movie, she's still acting. Her whole thing is soap operas like everybody else. But she's been in a bunch of stuff. And it's not just, the bulk of her career obviously is spent in Mexico City, but she's done a lot of stuff in the United States as well. So yeah, she was kind of like the name they could put on the poster. But yeah, she plays the teacher.
So some notes. The movie is known in Mexico as Dimensiones Acultas, which means hidden dimensions.
Dave! (18:02.798) There's a lot of weird, like kind of wild, impressive stuff about this. They shot it in Spanish and in English, like shot for shot. They would do one and then do the other.
Bryan! (18:10.813) Yeah.
Yeah, the peanut butter solution is the same way. There is a French version and an English version. And it's not just a dub, it's two different, two separate movies that they just did shot for shot.
Dave! (18:20.398) Goddamn.
Dave! (18:26.934) So I don't know if you watched the on that, that vinegar syndrome release, there is an interview with Ruben Galindo and he talks about why, so the most notable thing or the most, I shouldn't say the most noticeable thing when you start this is, it is the least Mexican looking cast and the least Mexican looking environment that you would probably see in a Mexican movie. And he explains why that is.
Bryan! (18:53.624) Well, I got I think I have note about that is that this was a deliberate attempt to break the to break into the international market.
Dave! (18:59.53) Yeah. But he says because the Mexican film industry had basically, it was dying at that point. Like, just nobody was making new shit. There was no ways to get it out. At the time, people didn't have a lot of money, so they weren't going to the movies. It's kind of interesting. But he said the one thing is even though they all look white, if not American, but the American is kind of implied. He said it wasn't
Bryan! (19:05.577) Yeah.
Dave! (19:27.754) It wasn't really intended for American audiences. It was really for international audiences who wanted American looking movies.
Bryan! (19:37.657) Yeah, because like oh.
Dave! (19:38.478) Because even when you watch like shit from Italy, like their stuff also, a lot of the time looks very American.
Bryan! (19:44.04) Yeah, yeah. Like unless they're making it a point to like feature Rome as a feature, like a lot of them are very, particularly in the 70s, were very deliberately attempting to sort of like make their movies look less Italian. And like, I think that's why a lot of them all of a sudden just sort of pop up, take place in London. And a lot of those...
uh... those german creamy films also do that for the for the same reason that like they don't want to be seen as german they want to sell to international audiences so they set them in london
Dave! (20:20.194) What I always love about that is though, even though, and you don't see this in, I think this movie necessarily, but in a lot of movies, when they sort of do that, embracing American concepts, the cultural things, it often comes like, they get it on like a basic level, like the obvious level, but it's seen through like a very different international lens. So it comes off as.
Bryan! (20:41.692) It's always a little.
Dave! (20:47.39) really uncanny a lot of the time. And that is, there is a lot of that in this, but.
Bryan! (20:49.056) It's really, it's a little. Yeah, it's a little wobbly for sure, like because the very first version of this that I watched, and this is why I texted you earlier about this, is the version they're running on Shutter and I also I think it's the Blu-ray also. There's this voiceover at the beginning where he's like, so here's me in Mexico City.
Dave! (21:08.758) Yeah, I told you, it's very, like, picture it. Mexico City, 1987.
Bryan! (21:13.264) Yeah, but the version that I saw originally did not have that. And it goes so without it, it's almost like it's going out of its way to sort of mask the fact that it's shot in Mexico City. There's even a scene a little ways into the movie where he like he's woken up by the radio and the announcer is talking about traffic in the Southland, which is supposed to communicate this notion that you're in Los Angeles.
Dave! (21:42.446) Yeah, you're definitely not in Los Angeles.
Bryan! (21:45.176) Yeah, yeah. Um but yeah, they uh they cast uh white people or more significantly Mexican actors who could pull off the white people look and they had to be fluent in English but you can also tell that there's a lot of dubbing going on in this.
Dave! (22:06.27) Oh yeah, it feels like the entire audio for this was like it was either dubbed or at some point, you know, recorded elsewhere because it just doesn't fit.
Bryan! (22:15.52) Yeah, and it's got that yeah, it's it's got that quality also where like you could tell that there's like one guy doing a couple of of characters like whoever voiceovered Michael's father I think is also the same guy who does that ** cop because they both have this kind of you know, they kind of got this like Jersey accent thing going on and also all of Gabriella Hassell's lines.
Dave! (22:31.188) Oh, he's great.
Dave! (22:40.074) Yeah, no shit, because she needs to back up off the microphone.
Bryan! (22:45.357) She's yeah, it's a riot. So special effects were all done for this by screaming that George
Dave! (22:51.71) Now, it says they were all done by Screamin' Matt George. I find that hard to believe because Screamin' Matt George is a person of a certain quality. And you can see that in some of this, but not in all of it.
Bryan! (22:55.861) Okay, so what-
Bryan! (23:00.209) I think.
Bryan! (23:03.932) No, I think that they probably had a budget to sort of do some of the more hero shots. So all of the kind of evil Tony stuff toward the end, I think, was his stuff. It looks like screaming mad George's work, because there's also some other stuff in this movie that looks like somebody on set just like slopped fake blood around.
Dave! (23:14.381) Yes.
Dave! (23:25.93) Yeah, like the front projection screen stuff that they do, the kind of nightmare ripoff stuff. That is also him.
Bryan! (23:33.328) Yeah. Yeah, yeah. So up to this point, screaming, screaming mad George's credits were bars big credits were predator and big trouble in little China. He go on to do on some real nasty gooey work in movies like pride of reanimator in society. He's a guy whose work I really like a lot. I find it kind of weird that he doesn't get really much talk. There's not a lot of chatter about him.
Dave! (24:02.07) He is extremely enthusiastic. Like any interview you see, he is so fucking happy to be, just to be talking to people.
Bryan! (24:04.498) I love him when he's in those
Bryan! (24:10.328) Yeah, yeah, he's in those In Search of Darkness docs and I love it. He's, I would describe that. That's his ethic. He is very enthusiastic. Um, yep. So I found, I found it really difficult to sort of gather any sort of information about this movie or Galindo in general.
There's not a lot of biographical information about the guy. And I kind of find their whole thing really fascinating because like it seems like for genre movies in particular like action movies and horror movies, like Galindo productions were kind of the only game in town. Like you worked for those guys. Because like those vacation... Yeah.
Dave! (24:51.85) And it sounds like they were all just friends too. Like it wasn't like a thing where they were really built. It wasn't like, you know, Dino De Laurentiis in the early eighties. Like this is just a bunch of dudes. This is more like an indie project that you'd see in like the US in the late nineties or 2000s or now.
Bryan! (25:06.844) Yeah, yeah, because like their name is all over those vacation of terror movies. And I'm sure you know, their names are on those on the movies and those Cardona box sets that vinegar syndromes got as well.
Dave! (25:19.518) I also mean, it's like this is a thing that, you know, much like myself, I think people are just kind of getting hip to a lot of this stuff now. So the fact that you can't find much on it is probably just because it's Mexican.
Bryan! (25:26.644) Yeah.
Bryan! (25:30.048) God, it's so weird because they're just right next door. Yep. Oh well. So let's get into it. We open on a voiceover that sounds suspiciously like the beginning of the Twilight Zone.
Dave! (25:42.93) It's also super vague and gives you nothing to work with.
Bryan! (25:45.188) Nope, there's a door that takes you to another dimension. Once you step through it, there's no return. And that's, yeah, you gotta watch it. The door is one way. But yeah, that's our main character, Michael, whose voice is really, really weird.
Dave! (25:53.282) That's true.
Dave! (26:03.402) Yeah, everything he does in this movie is this one strange choice after another.
Bryan! (26:08.344) I am dying to know how old he was when he made the movie, because Michael's supposed to be 17, but he presents as like 35.
Dave! (26:16.098) So here's what I, here's my understanding of this. He, this was as much Belindo as it was the guy playing Michael. They wanted to make him seem younger and kind of look younger. We'll get to that when we talk about the pajamas. The most notorious thing about this movie, but we'll get to that in a minute. But he wanted to make him seem younger because it kind of ups the stakes a little bit.
Bryan! (26:40.99) Yeah.
Dave! (26:41.194) by making it seem like a big thing to kind of this almost insurmountable thing for a young person to go through. But the way that they decided to go about that, rather than cast a younger looking person or a young person, was to go out of their way to make him feel young. And it doesn't quite work because it just feels really weird. And it makes for some incredibly awkward moments.
Bryan! (27:00.852) know, it just it comes across. It comes across so strange because his voice is kind of like this. It's got this like kid quality to it but he's
Dave! (27:11.946) Yeah, and everything has this like youthful excitement, even though it's like, you look like you're in your early 20s. What the fuck?
Bryan! (27:16.095) Yeah.
Bryan! (27:19.848) Yeah. So Michael tells us in a voiceover that he used to go to Beverly Hills High, but his dad's work uprooted all that and sent him and his mother to Mexico City for the rest of high school. It's also his birthday, and the party is just getting over. And it looks
Dave! (27:35.594) Yeah, it's very much like 16 Candles moment where there's just tons of like weird voiceovers and like people making out in cars out front of his house. Like, what the fuck kind of party was this?
Bryan! (27:41.958) Yeah.
I've got a note that says it's like a 16 candles party because like I'm surprised there wasn't like a fucking pizza on a record player or something like it's just like it's just like that. Like he's seen his friends out and like two of them are like hoisting another one of them because he's too drunk to walk but then we find out like his mother's in the house the whole time.
Dave! (27:47.351) Yeah.
Dave! (27:53.338) Ugh.
Dave! (28:04.682) Yeah, well, speaking of too drunk to walk, here comes drunk mom right out of the gate.
Bryan! (28:10.016) So he's like walking around through the house, like in the dark and he's just surveying the damage. His mom is right upstairs, probably drunk, and the whole place just looks like this. Like I said, it's like the aftermath of the 16 candles party. Like we're gonna find Anthony Michael Hall like under a glass table at some point.
Dave! (28:28.13) But it's also like, it looks like they rented this place for however long it took to shoot this scene. And then they were just fucking out. Cause this, there was like no furniture, nothing on the walls.
Bryan! (28:40.073) like an episode of Cribs. Yeah. So, uh, yeah. So he's wandering around the dark for some reason and there's this spooky sound that he hears. It sort of sounds like a dog growling. Uh, but then he get. That's how that's Tony. You know he's.
Dave! (28:41.709) Yeah.
Dave! (28:50.706) So yeah, what is that?
Okay, well here's the thing we should say right now. Like our last film, this movie drops you in and it's as though you've missed a big chunk of the story somehow. And you're never going to get any explanation.
Bryan! (29:05.204) Yes. So I've got a note about that, particularly in this in one of the scenes coming up, because it seems like there's a whole lot of this that's just missing. So
Dave! (29:14.826) Yeah, yeah, like it's like, it's not as though like, oh, they just never shot it. It's almost like you feel as though they just left it out. Like they forgot to cut it into the picture.
Bryan! (29:23.772) Yeah. So, so, so Michael is basically ambushed in the dark uh by a dude who turns out to be Tony who might be his best friend, maybe his best friend because it's really hard to tell because
Dave! (29:34.07) Tony, you son of a bitch.
Dave! (29:38.646) Well, it kind of, that whole moment, so it's this big group of friends led by Tony, and the whole thing is really antagonistic. Like Tony is basically just like, he kind of jumps on him and it's real like, yeah, happy birthday, happy birthday, man, happy birthday, fucker. Look at his asses.
Bryan! (29:46.333) Yeah.
Bryan! (29:56.581) But at the same time, Michael's a real bitch. Like, he's-
Dave! (29:59.606) Well, cause then that one girl is like, a big surprise huh, Michael? And it's like, what? You people showed up to my fucking house.
Bryan! (30:03.465) Yeah.
Bryan! (30:06.96) They break in, they fucking break in. And then they're like, we wanted to give you your birthday present before we left. And he goes, you could have done that tomorrow. He's not wrong.
Dave! (30:18.319) Also, is Tony supposed to be in high school? Because he looks like he's in his early 30s. He's just hair for days. Like I...
Bryan! (30:22.721) I see, okay.
Bryan! (30:26.916) Let's we're going to talk about Tony because Tony lives in a bachelor pad and then another and then and then another one of Michael's friends is like a third shift phlebotomist and a high school student. So the lives of these teenagers is mysterious. So yeah, so it's this whole setup where it's like five or six of them are just
Dave! (30:32.222) Whoa. Just he ever.
Dave! (30:41.197) Yep.
Bryan! (30:54.76) bitching at him and like really inconveniencing him. Truth be told, I'd be fucking mad too if I just like got all these people out of the house and then they broke back in and were like, hey, we're like, hey, fuck you, man. We want to give you your present. But then, no, it's, it's a goddamn, it's a goddamn nightmare.
Dave! (31:05.05) Damn, this party is depressing as hell.
Yeah. And it's not even really a present. It's a demon.
Bryan! (31:16.504) So but like he's really mad until a girl sort of rises mysteriously from behind the furniture and that's
Dave! (31:25.354) What? Is she supposed to be a surprise? Because she just like, it's like she comes in stage left from the floor?
Bryan! (31:35.892) well after everybody else has revealed themselves. They're like, here's your birthday present. And she's sort of like, emerges from the furniture and it's Nope, nope. Yeah, no, she's she's, she's the new girl, you know, Alex, you remember her from school. That's Gabriella Hassel. And, and, and she's got a pretty intense unibrow.
Dave! (31:45.086) And the question is, is she the birthday present? Because that's weird.
Dave! (32:04.786) Yeah, yeah, she really does. And it is unfortunate. It is like baby Gerald unfortunate.
Bryan! (32:05.416) Yeah. It's I was gonna say baby Gerald. Uh yeah. Um so Michael Caesar becomes lovestruck immediately and so it's all good. They can all hang out now. You know and so
Dave! (32:24.282) Even Tony, your best friend who's also a huge piece of shit.
Bryan! (32:30.244) I'm not going to lie. I'm not
Dave! (32:30.366) And maybe also kinda drunk?
Dave! (32:36.083) I will tell you right now, just the way that this guy plays Tony, his face alone makes me so happy.
Bryan! (32:41.988) He has, oh my god, his laughing face is the best. I'm gonna.
Dave! (32:46.558) Yeah, because he is this entire scene he is just lit up from the moment he is in the shot and he it is like he is about to laugh in the douchebaggiest way possible.
Bryan! (32:57.744) Yeah, I'm gonna screenshot it and put it on the Instagram because it's just that good.
Dave! (33:02.802) Every time it comes up in the trailer, it fills me with joy.
Bryan! (33:07.918) He does it a bunch too.
Dave! (33:09.106) Yeah. Yeah, it's like a real Steve Martin in the 70s, kinda like, yuck, kinda face.
Bryan! (33:15.58) Yeah, yeah. So, so he he's Michael's whole thing is he's not mad that they're that they broke in. He's mad that they're going to wake his mom up or something. She's going to be pissed.
Dave! (33:28.254) Yeah, you know, because they cut to the mom who is looking for Lorne Lee at a photograph of her and her husband, and then ominously over to the bottle. So just so you know, she has a drinking problem.
Bryan! (33:37.204) And her. Yeah, so it's like. It's a photo, it's a photo of her and she is she's there like clung to an elderly gentleman. Yeah, but then you have but then she but then we cut to her other her other object of desire, which is like a bottle of vodka across the room.
Dave! (33:50.674) Yeah.
Dave! (33:59.766) Honestly, given the choice, I would go with the bottle as well.
Bryan! (34:05.816) Yeah, because that dude eventually shows up.
Dave! (34:06.046) Which is this... This is when Tony makes that real shitty comment about something about your drunk mom or something like that. It's like, damn Tony.
Bryan! (34:12.472) Oh, no. Yeah, cuz they offer they offer Michael a drink and he he's like he refuses it and he's like he's just something like why you don't you don't want to be like your mom upstairs or something like that.
Dave! (34:24.566) But he's still got that like goofy grin on his face. It's like, I don't know, man. That's a lot. That's not a joke to be laughing about.
Bryan! (34:27.251) Yeah.
Bryan! (34:32.521) that's Tony. I'm going to call that Tony face from now on. Yeah. So, yeah, so Michael's father, where is he? Why is he not here? Could it be of the look of longing she gives to the distant bottle of liquor? I suppose we'll find out.
Dave! (34:35.082) Yeah, it is fantastic. It is the best part of the entire movie.
Dave! (34:53.098) Don't think it matters.
Bryan! (34:53.6) Because I would like to know like where is this guy exactly because apparently he like uprooted them. Yeah. But like he uproots them from their life, sticks them in Mexico City and then vanishes. So yeah, uh, it's the it's the alcoholism as we find out. So back downstairs, they've got Michael blindfolded and they get his present ready, which at first glance appears to be two large candles stuck into Coke cans.
Dave! (34:58.03) Which shows up at the end.
Dave! (35:07.758) Thanks.
Dave! (35:22.794) Yep. And these are not birthday candles at all. These are just regular candles you would put in a candelabra. Except in this case, the candelabra is empty Coke cans.
Bryan! (35:23.656) But no.
Bryan! (35:28.573) Yep. Or
Yep, there's a lot of empty Coke cans in this movie.
Dave! (35:34.39) Yeah, well, what is more American than Coca-Cola and Marlboro's?
Bryan! (35:40.696) Yep. So the present is revealed to be a Ouija board, which it pisses Michael off.
Dave! (35:47.098) And Tony thinks this Tony thinks this is the funniest fucking gift ever.
Bryan! (35:53.428) Yeah, because Michael blows out the candles, he pulls the blindfold off, and Tony is doing Tony face like waiting.
Dave! (36:01.11) Like a fuckin' hyena, he is cackling away.
Bryan! (36:04.464) Yeah, he's waiting for Michael to react and which Michael does. He gets he throws it at him. He throws the blindfold at Tony and he goes, bitch and Tony. The best line, the.
Dave! (36:07.519) And then Michael does react.
Dave! (36:14.822) So good. It is the best. It is the best fucking line. I have that saved in my phone. Just that moment. It is right up there with how do we know she is alive?
Bryan! (36:20.585) Ha ha ha!
Bryan! (36:24.508) Yep. Or bastards. Yep. Oh, man. But yeah, so
Dave! (36:27.006) Yep, also got that one saved my phone.
Bryan! (36:35.792) He sits back down and he says, you promised we wouldn't play with the Ouija board again. Why? What happened last time? Will we? It would be helpful. We don't know. And here's the thing. When a Ouija board shows up in a horror movie, it's a, it's, in the first act, you might get the, you might.
Dave! (36:41.614) Okay. I'm listening.
Doesn't matter, you're never gonna know.
Yeah, it certainly would because it seems plot critical.
Dave! (36:59.538) in the first act. By the fifth act, that Ouija board is gonna go off.
Bryan! (37:05.872) You might get the feeling, yeah, guess what? Never comes back into play. Because this was the high age of Ouija board horror movies. Because I think Witch Board came out the same year. It might have been the year before. And there were a couple more. And also, Ouija boards have been in horror movies basically since The Exorcist. So it feels like it was just a convenient way to kick this off. But when you see it, you're like, oh, shit, this is going to be a big deal.
Dave! (37:30.646) Yeah, because they're like, hey, remember the time we did this and summoned some kind of demon and it was big and terrible? Just tell me the fucking story so I know what's gonna happen, because it is clearly important to the rest of this. But you feel as though they just left it out. They forgot to tell this part of the story, because he's like, no, we can never do it again, you promised. But then they sit down to use it again. It's like, I don't know, Michael, your resolve's a little bit shaky on this.
Bryan! (37:52.136) Yeah.
Bryan! (37:55.78) I don't. Yeah, I don't understand it. I it's a thing that like kind of bothers me, which I knew what the deal with the with the Ouija board is.
Dave! (38:03.83) Because they may as well be like, fucking look right down the barrel of the camera and be like, terrifying, right audiences? Remember when that happened? You're like, no, I don't.
Bryan! (38:10.512) Yeah, exactly. Right. So everybody continues to bust Michael's chops and Tony gives him shit about his mom being a drunk and then Michael relents and tells Tony to. Oh, yeah, just you know how you're always fucking with each other. You're always at each other's throats and you're about to kill one another. Best friend shit. So so.
Dave! (38:21.914) Yep. Just, you know, classic best friend stuff.
Dave! (38:31.958) Yeah, you were way more fun before you had AIDS. Ha ha ha! Right, buddy?
Bryan! (38:37.183) Yeah, my god. So, I mean, but this is like, you might think that we're exaggerating. Not by much. So, Michael relents and tells Tony to summon his spirit buddy Virgil with the board.
Dave! (38:53.006) Is this before or after Tony freaks the fuck out and screams shut up everybody?
Bryan! (38:56.832) that's afterwards cuz he starts to do it. He so he sits, he starts at it and they put their hands on the planchette and he's like Virgil, I wanna talk to you.
Dave! (39:07.382) Which I believe that is how you summon the devil. You'd be like, hey, hey Satan. Hey Satan, hey, hey! Hey over here, what are you doing? You watching a movie?
Bryan! (39:11.192) Oh yeah, you say, you say.
Bryan! (39:17.713) Yeah. Hey, what are you up to? What are you doing?
Dave! (39:24.315) Hey Virgil. Hey.
Bryan! (39:28.16) Yeah. You you up? So, uh so an attempt is made but nothing happens which of course everybody is like everybody just turns on Tony. They hate it. This is they all say like a bunch of times and that's what Tony is like. They're all really aggressive. This is written like it's written by somebody who's never interacted in a friendly manner with another person.
Dave! (39:30.454) Yeah.
Dave! (39:45.762) These are- they're really aggressive!
Dave! (39:56.706) Really, yeah, it's like, were you ever a teenager? And if so, did you have friends?
Bryan! (40:01.344) the way they treat them. Probably not because this is how this person was treating them. So, so yeah, so there's more chop busting and they're like, hey, Ouija board, who here is in love with Alex? They
Dave! (40:17.523) She's like, so gay, come on.
Bryan! (40:20.748) like, yeah, and she does the but also, yeah, like everybody's like making fun of Michael at first because he didn't want to use this and she's like, hey, maybe he's right. Maybe we shouldn't play with this thing. Like she just takes the side and of course, they're like, ah, you suck.
Dave! (40:33.29) Yeah. And then he freaks out, he's like, why don't you tell him that Virgil is the devil? I'm like, why don't you tell me who Virgil is?
Bryan! (40:40.402) exactly because it seems like there's an entire act of this movie where Virgil was contacted and he revealed himself to be the devil because that's exactly what
Dave! (40:48.534) I mean, for fuck's sake, the tagline for this movie is forget Freddy and Jason, Virgil's the newest nightmare in town. To which I say, who is Virgil?
Bryan! (40:59.124) Yeah. Guess what? Never gonna find out. So yeah.
Bryan! (41:07.74) eventually Michael's mom busts in, breaks the whole thing up. And on the way out, everybody's like, ah, get a load of this guy. He believes in the devil. Ah! And like two of them.
Dave! (41:21.286) You're in Mexico! 78% of that country believes in the devil.
Bryan! (41:26.873) I know it's very serious business. So like, yeah, as they're on their way out, like two of the guys like grab the bottle of liquor, like pour it all over the Ouija board. They're like, hey, devil, hey, devil, have a. Just the most inconsiderate people in the world.
Dave! (41:35.062) Yeah, and like all over the floor and shit.
Dave! (41:42.007) I think I get why he's mad that they just barge in with their... witch board and start pouring alcohol over the floor.
Bryan! (41:49.934) Yeah. Who do you think's gonna have to fucking clean that up? Not them.
Dave! (41:53.278) Not mom, we didn't play that much. She's upstairs making poor choices.
Bryan! (41:59.812) Yeah. Good God. So now Michael's mom kicks everybody out and we learn that dad doesn't come around much like ever. Yep. So the next day, Michael is late for school and he is stopped at the school gate by security who he bribes into letting him in with a nudie magazine. That old that old trick.
Dave! (42:08.194) than me.
Dave! (42:19.03) Yeah, what is this like, ah, nobody gets in without a pass. Oh yeah, not even for this? The latest porno magazine? Why are you giving an adult man pornography?
Bryan! (42:24.7) Yeah.
Bryan! (42:31.4) Well, have you ever seen Lady Terminator? There is a scene that's a lot like this where the security guards show up and they hand them their standard uniform, they hand them their standard little machine pistol, and then every one of them gets a porno bag to be distracted at while the Lady Terminator breaks and kills everybody. So this is a common trope, apparently.
Dave! (43:00.266) Well, so this whole moment in this, this is very breakfast club. I mean, they even do the breakfast club slide in the hallway.
Bryan! (43:07.024) Yeah, I have got to actually the slide in the hallway. Yeah. So like, yeah, because this apparently this school takes tardiness very seriously because there is we learn via a crudely made sign that late students will be expelled from school. To illustrate this, we get a montage. That's a lot like you. You could do a lot worse. But that seems very intense like do not be late for class or you are out of here.
Dave! (43:14.582) Very seriously.
Dave! (43:23.342) Which is, that's a lot.
Dave! (43:36.95) Michael's gonna risk it.
Bryan! (43:38.472) He's going to risk it because on his way through like sneaking around school trying to get to class, he runs into Alex. Yep. No.
Dave! (43:43.778) Who is apparently also tardy? Can't be that big a deal. She didn't have to give anyone pornography to get into school.
Bryan! (43:50.92) probably not, though I gotta wonder like what her what her sort of currency was. Yeah. So so instead of going to class, he asks her to cut school and have breakfast with him.
Dave! (43:54.565) I don't.
Dave! (44:02.638) Would you like to have breakfast with me? And then a montage in which they do everything but eat breakfast.
Bryan! (44:05.321) The-
Bryan! (44:09.976) Yeah, they make a day of it. There's no breakfast.
Dave! (44:11.126) Yeah, here's some things. Here's some things. They buy some Mylar balloons, which she later lets go and they watch as they float away in awe. Like they had no idea that that's what was going to happen if you let go. Let's see, what else do they do? They. Yeah, they get the no funny, funny hats and they're riding fake donkeys in those pictures. Pretty great. They feed some ducks. They eat giant bowls of melted ice cream, which he watches her eat the ice cream.
Bryan! (44:23.72) They get their photos, novelty photos taken.
Bryan! (44:30.608) Nope. Yep.
Bryan! (44:35.839) Yeah.
Dave! (44:38.834) Like he's never seen anyone eat ice cream before. Yep. And then they feed each other ice cream in a very awkward and uncomfortable moment because it's melting. Also, you don't do that.
Bryan! (44:41.725) Mouth agape.
Bryan! (44:51.817) Yeah.
No, she makes a face actually as he like basically shoves the spoon into her mouth almost like, oh, you got me there. Like, I wasn't expecting that to happen. Yeah.
Dave! (45:01.326) Ugh. Yep. And then you're thinking, Oh, well, maybe now they're off to breakfast. Nope. Now they're off for a boat ride where they row around a very crowded lake. Uh... Yep.
Bryan! (45:08.054) for a boat ride.
Bryan! (45:12.636) Like everybody at the plaza is rowing boats today.
Dave! (45:16.686) And then they smash their faces together in what I think is supposed to be a kiss, but it does not look like that. It just looks like they're slamming their faces together. It's like a five-year-old took two Barbies and was making them kiss. It's kinda like that.
Bryan! (45:25.905) Yeah, it looks.
Bryan! (45:32.16) the yeah, it looks like teeth there's also like a really nicely which as we're going to find out all the music in this
Dave! (45:35.886) Ugh. And that is a breakfast date.
Dave! (45:43.69) It is so fucking strange.
Dave! (45:51.082) And that was part of the deal. He said he would take the role, but he wanted to do the music too. And I guess Remy Glinda was like, sure, I guess, fine. And you know what? Thank God he did.
Bryan! (46:01.255) I love the fucking theme song.
Dave! (46:04.171) It sounds like I recorded it and I have no musical abilities, so...
Bryan! (46:10.465) Yeah, it's placed like um uh like Angela's theme from sleepaway camp at the end where it just kind of plays over the credits but it's Oh man. I love it. I love it. So, yeah. So, so next, we cut to Tony's place.
Dave! (46:18.954) Except that was written by a professional musician.
Dave! (46:32.083) Fucking meanwhile back at Tony's SRO
Bryan! (46:34.748) Yeah, which we find a teenager who by all appearances lives in an apartment decorated by tacky 80s posters. This is the kind.
Dave! (46:43.978) Yeah, this is all the hallmarks of American youth. You've got Marlboro's, you've got Coca-Cola, you've got Duran Duran, you've got a poster of some ass.
Bryan! (46:47.827) Yeah.
Bryan! (46:54.984) Yep. And it's the thing is, is the Marlboros and the Coke cans aren't just like around, they're strung up like a beaded curtain.
Dave! (47:02.962) Oh, I thought they were like nailed to the wall.
Bryan! (47:05.488) No, no, because they hang like on strings but like in a doorway.
Dave! (47:10.734) I think that's even weird. Tony's house is like a scene from Leaving Las Vegas. Like it is just, it is dark.
Bryan! (47:17.186) It's yes, dank and smoky and even like to back up that assertation. We are introduced to Tony now shirtless and hung over a toilet vomiting violently.
Dave! (47:27.606) Yeah, it looks like he's had his head in the toilet for like the entire evening.
Bryan! (47:31.9) Yeah, yeah, Tony is he's apologetic about being a drunk asshole at the party. And he's also apologetic about making cracks about Michael's mom's drinking problem.
Dave! (47:43.61) But you know what, Michael doesn't have any time for that. Because he just cuts him off, and with this fucking grin on his face, he leaps into his bed, he wants to tell him about his quote, date. And he's just like, oh boy, she was the best, Tony. She's just so great. Oh boy, I like her a whole lot. Meanwhile, Tony's looking like half dead.
Bryan! (47:46.372) He fucking cuts him off.
Bryan! (48:01.764) Yeah, but I don't know what to do with her.
Bryan! (48:06.512) Yeah. Do you think Marlboro paid for placement in this?
Dave! (48:11.298) I, this movie had a budget of $300,000. So the answer is no, it didn't. There's tons of it, yeah.
Bryan! (48:16.504) Because here's the thing, there's a shitload of Marlboro all over this, like in a very deliberate fashion, which made me think, yeah.
Dave! (48:22.806) Yeah, it comes back later too. And then he says, remember that girl Alex? And it's like, you mean the one that he showed up at your house with last night? Yeah, I think he remembers her. And referred to her by name several times.
Bryan! (48:34.383) Yeah.
Bryan! (48:37.692) Yep. And but this now Tony reveals this like romantic side to him that is that is very, very strange. Because for also amidst this just room of ruin.
Dave! (48:44.207) Ugh, Tony you sly old dog, you.
Dave! (48:52.618) Yeah, I was gonna say, quick question here. Why does Tony have a bouquet of roses, fresh cut roses in this fucking shit hole apartment that he lives in?
Bryan! (49:03.76) Yeah. He's like he so Michael's like, oh man, I really like her but I don't know what to do about it. And so Tony's solution is he's like, listen, bro, you gotta give her a rose. Yeah, not just any rose though. The rose. And he picks one out of this dozen that well, he throws his shirt over them at one point. Don't know why but he does it.
Dave! (49:16.834) Not just any rose though.
Dave! (49:24.286) Also, why are they under a blanket?
Bryan! (49:33.056) And that's when he says, and he says, and you're gonna give her this rose, and you're gonna tell her that as long as there's love between you, this rose will never wither.
Dave! (49:41.038) Damn.
Bryan! (49:41.936) Yeah. So.
Dave! (49:43.886) That is, that is, that is some Billy Joel level stuff.
Bryan! (49:50.165) Yeah, this and this just like this is like a 180 from the Tony that we saw the night before we get zero Tony face.
Dave! (49:57.834) Yeah, remember Tony the drunk shithead? He's gone. This is Tony the hungover poet.
Bryan! (50:01.981) Yep.
Bryan! (50:05.98) Apparently, drunk Tony is an asshole, because this guy, he's all right. So that night,
Dave! (50:12.694) This is really like the last Tony that we get.
Bryan! (50:16.22) Yeah, cuz right after this, like the mayhem starts. So that night, as Michael sleeps, restlessly, a monstrous bloody demon hand punches through Michael's ceiling as he sleeps drips blood all over him.
Dave! (50:32.507) And this is when we get...
Bryan! (50:35.776) the movie. Yup. So, Michael wakes up suddenly, shoots up, and then we get a look at a certain set of pajamas that we're going to that are going to be really important to the movie. Not really but if you know about this movie, this is the one detail of it that probably sticks out to you the most. I gotta know. Like, I know that I know that you kind of Oh Jesus Christ.
Dave! (50:54.226) So he purchased these. So I we should say these are I don't know where he would have found them because these are the style cut and design of Pajamas that you would put on like a six-year-old boy they have like cartoony kind of blocky drawings of or uh I get drawings I guess of like dinosaurs and
Bryan! (51:16.932) Yeah, like illustrations of dinosaurs in like primary colors.
Dave! (51:21.834) But they're like that real shitty like flame retardant fabric from the 80s. They're like, you know, they're cheap kids pajamas. I don't know where he would have found these, but apparently he was like in Los Angeles and bought them. He was like called Ruben Glindo and he's like, hey, I got this great idea. And I guess Ruben Glindo was like, okay, I guess, sure. Because they were like, it'll help to make him look younger. It's like, no.
Bryan! (51:44.364) Hahaha.
Dave! (51:49.682) it helps to make him look crazy. But it also becomes kind of a running gag in the movie.
Bryan! (51:53.448) The fact...
Bryan! (51:57.372) Yeah, because the fact that these that these pajamas exist at all are really kind of weird because They like they're in an adult size. And it's yeah it's so fucking weird. Like I would say he is wearing them in this movie more than he is not. So.
Dave! (52:07.671) Yeah.
And he wears them the entire fucking movie.
Dave! (52:19.466) Yeah, he goes out into the world in these all the time.
Bryan! (52:23.536) Oh, several times. Yeah. So when Vinegar Syndrome put this movie out, they such as they do with many of their movies is they released a very like a limited number of them with like a certain like collectible item. And the collectible item that came with this movie was a set of those pajamas.
Dave! (52:43.506) And I would have done any. A couple of years ago, I was at the archive in Connecticut and I asked them if they had them and they were like, no, those have been gone for a long time.
Bryan! (52:55.273) Yeah. But yeah, like I looked I looked up just to like try to see like somebody must be selling these things on eBay or something like that. Nope. I exactly.
Dave! (53:04.356) No, who would part with these? So chic, they're so chic.
Bryan! (53:08.924) they're the best. They're the best. They're the funniest quality of the entire movie is you're going to watch for 90 minutes, you're going to watch a grown ass man thrust himself about Mexico City by night wearing a pair of children's pajamas. It's so fucking. Yep. So so yeah, so on top of all of this,
Dave! (53:26.178) for an unreasonably long segment of the film.
Bryan! (53:35.616) Michael has a vision of one of his friends, one of the people from the Ouija board party, being murdered.
Dave! (53:42.838) This is like the first nameless guy, right?
Bryan! (53:45.832) Yeah, like I think they say who it is later on, but like who fucking cares?
Dave! (53:48.75) Because they blow through the first couple of these people real quick and off camera.
Bryan! (53:52.68) Yep. And so, but also Michael has these like red monster eyes. He does that thing where he shoots up suddenly and it's like that close up on his eyes and he's
Dave! (54:00.01) And every time he does this, he like puts his two like two fingers to the sides of his like to his temples, like he's channeling something or he has a headache. Yeah. And they look like the context, like this is what 87, like, you know, those are those fucking hard contacts. Yeah.
Bryan! (54:05.808) Yeah, it's like it's like he's doing like he's Professor X.
Bryan! (54:16.98) They probably hurt a lot to wear. Yeah. So the next day at school, Michael prepares to give Alex the Rose, but she's in the cafeteria with some douchebag hanging all over who we're going to find out is named John. And John is going to be antagonistic for a good deal of time. But right now, Michael is defeated. He walks off alone. But Alex follows him. And then they sort some shit out. And she has
Dave! (54:45.15) Yeah, because there he is. He's sitting there in one of the classrooms, sort of like looking for Lauren Lee out across the, I don't know, the quad something like that. And she comes in and, you know, she says that I'm not interested in him or whatever. He was he's just a friend or something. And he's kind of like huffing and puffing. He's being real kind of a child about it. And then she says, I love you. And I thought.
Bryan! (54:54.986) Yeah.
Bryan! (55:12.946) Yeah.
Dave! (55:13.462) Bitch, you met him yesterday.
Bryan! (55:15.548) Yeah. But she also says something about John. She's like, you know him. He's just a smart ass. Like, I don't I don't know. He didn't look at him like he knew him.
Dave! (55:27.198) Also, we don't know him.
Bryan! (55:29.436) We don't know him either. We're gonna get to know him. But for now, we don't know him. But yeah, she...
Dave! (55:35.478) And then they share a passionless kiss and he shoves the rose in her face, and then it's a hard, hard cut to the bedroom.
Bryan! (55:43.021) Yup. So... Oh god, Michael's room.
Dave! (55:45.718) For this, this is perhaps the weirdest moment of the movie that is full of weird moments.
Bryan! (55:51.812) it feels, this feels ad-libbed to me. Cause like.
Dave! (55:55.21) And it's actually not, but we'll get it and then I'll tell you why it's not.
Bryan! (55:59.552) Okay, because what he does is she's in his room and he's got like model cars and he's got posters of like, you know, like exotic cars like haphazardly.
Dave! (56:11.21) But it's real. It's like really incongruous with the character they're trying to kind of conceptualize here because they want him to appear young. He has like mostly nude women all over his wall and he's carrying a porn magazine like this doesn't match with his reaction in this moment, which is yet another weird like, gee, golly, yeah.
Bryan! (56:31.344) Yeah, yeah, but she
Bryan! (56:37.004) right? Because she's like, Oh, you really like racing and he gives her this line and the way that it comes off is like, like he's
Dave! (56:40.698) Oh, I love it. Speed is, I don't know, it's freedom. It's a special sensation. It's like the more you get of it, the more you want it. What?
Bryan! (56:48.402) Yeah.
Bryan! (56:56.256) Yeah. Yep. He's describing addiction there. So
Dave! (56:58.806) but he's got this fucking goofy, like, like gee golly look on his face while he's like holding a model car. And she's like, I love your room. What the hell is happening?
Bryan! (57:04.409) It's the s... Yeah, it's the s...
Bryan! (57:10.8) Yeah, it's the same. It's almost exactly the sort of same affect and delivery. Where as when he was in Tony's room before, where like all of a sudden like Tony's just trying to be like, hey, man, I'm really sorry. I'm you know, I was drunk and I was a dick and I'm didn't mean to make that crack about your mom and he's like, yeah, whatever. I really like this girl. Yeah. So so
Dave! (57:19.287) Yeah.
Dave! (57:28.01) He's like, I don't want to talk about yucky emotions. It's like Pee-wee Herman.
But you know what? It works.
Bryan! (57:38.076) It wins her over because they are gonna do it.
Dave! (57:41.314) This is the weirdest, most awkward sex scene that is so confusing and comes way out of nowhere.
Bryan! (57:47.682) It lasts forever.
Dave! (57:49.202) It is super long and it is very uncomfortable because these two have no chemistry. Like we are supposed to believe that like there is some sort of special magical bond between them because obviously they're in love, but they have zero chemistry. So they're like kind of flopping around on each other, awkwardly kissing each other. She's fucking getting fistfuls of that curly, curly mullet. It is so it is just too much.
Bryan! (57:54.056) Done.
Bryan! (58:11.296) Thanks for watching!
Bryan! (58:15.552) Yeah, yeah, just.
Dave! (58:17.706) It is like one, it's easily one of the most awkward sex scenes I've ever seen.
Bryan! (58:23.044) Yeah. II don't. I don't care for it at all. Um later on now, Alex is gone. Michael is back in his dinosaur PJs and he has the red eyes again.
Dave! (58:37.282) Yeah, I think she like pe- just peeled those- those dinosaur PJs off of him.
Bryan! (58:41.96) Oh, she must I want I wish that was it.
Dave! (58:45.654) Because there's something about like the way that they're portraying this character, to see him in any state of undress is just really uncomfortable.
Bryan! (58:55.216) Right, because he's supposed to present as very young. You know, it's...
Dave! (58:58.626) like naive and childlike, and it's like, then why is he fucking this girl he just met? That is not very childlike.
Bryan! (59:07.506) No, it's like fucking the sex scene in fucking Forrest Gump.
Dave! (59:11.646) Yeah, it's like this, you did not need to do this. It does not move the plot anywhere. And now all of us feel a little bit dirty for seeing him mostly naked.
Bryan! (59:19.216) Yeah, you know, and here's the thing is it's not like it's not like a sex scene in another like horror movie like this, where it's just kind of a cheap excuse to get a little to get a little skin. This is a. This is a very modest sex scene.
Dave! (59:32.022) No, no, this is love making.
Dave! (59:36.458) It's like the sex scene in Madman with TP and fucking Galen Ross's character where they're just like awkwardly circling one another and then I guess that's sex? Question mark?
Bryan! (59:40.616) Yeah.
Bryan! (59:46.896) Yeah. So, so, he gets the red eyes again but now he's blind to his surroundings. And he's yeah.
Dave! (59:57.206) And he does this happens a lot in this and he it is like you take away his sight and you take away absolutely every sense and sense memory he has ever had.
Bryan! (01:00:07.504) Right, he turns into the baby. Like he just flops around.
Dave! (01:00:10.314) Yeah. Yeah, he is fucking Helen Keller from the moment he his eyes go red.
Bryan! (01:00:15.256) he flops around the set and but what's happening is the reason that he's doing this is because his vision has been taken over by the killer's vision and he's watching the killer kill another one of his friends
Dave! (01:00:29.73) But this is his house. So like, presumably, if I stood up right now and closed my eyes, I could navigate around my house without seeing. Not, I would bump into things occasionally, but I mean, sense memory would lead me about in a pretty safe way. This is as though he has never been there. He has never walked before. He doesn't know what his hands are for.
Bryan! (01:00:39.197) Yeah.
Bryan! (01:00:47.313) Yeah, you would.
Bryan! (01:00:54.421) right? Cuz his like cuz he like drags his body along. It's like, dude, you, we, I know you can walk. You're gonna do it later. He drags himself to the bathroom. He tries to wash his face with the water. Oh, oh, the mildew.
Dave! (01:01:06.478) to the carpeted, carpeted bathroom. And I saw that and I thought, oh God. Cause you know there's no fan and there's no exhaust fan in 1987 Mexico.
Bryan! (01:01:18.048) no just musty. It's a little off color. Yeah, but yeah, but like he's like I said, the water turns to blood. He looks at himself. He's got water bloody water all over his face.
Dave! (01:01:30.698) Yeah, this has a kind of a poltergeisty feel to it. When the guy starts ripping his face off.
Bryan! (01:01:34.14) Yeah. Oh, it is and yeah, that's right. And his mother is outside like banging on the door. She's like, Michael, are you okay? Are you alright? Like this goes on and on and on eventually. Finally, he's like, yeah, I'm fine, mom. Don't worry about it.
Dave! (01:01:46.578) Except he clearly is not. He is banging around in there, flopping around like a fucking half-dead fish, screaming about God knows what.
Bryan! (01:01:52.009) Yeah.
Yep. So now that the nightmare is over, he's seen another one of his friends get killed and but his eyes stay red for some reason. He puts on a pair of like sunglasses to hide his
Dave! (01:02:04.746) Oh, you mean when he wakes up the next day, fully clothed, with sunglasses and a jacket on?
Bryan! (01:02:08.02) Fully clothed.
Yep. He's got that uh that denim and like you get like leather patches on it. Very eighty-seven. Yep. So,
Dave! (01:02:14.706) Oh yeah, that is a straight up Jordan Ash jacket. Yeah. And she says she wants him to take the sunglasses off, and he tells her it's sunglasses day at school, and then she shakes her head and says, huh, you crazy kids. Ha ha ha. You kids always wearing sunglasses.
Bryan! (01:02:29.194) Yeah. You know, if this were my house, it's not sung. It's not Sunglasses Day at my house. Get them off. Yeah. So, so,
Dave! (01:02:35.15) I'm sorry.
Bryan! (01:02:40.756) with an effect taken straight out of A Nightmare on Elm Street. A Yeah, yeah, yeah. A head stretches out. No, no. You know, head this head stretches out of the TV and this like very affected voice informs him that another one of his friends will die and that he has to save her.
Dave! (01:02:43.714) Oh yeah, direct rip. Except very badly done.
No offense to screaming Matt George. I understand you're working with a budget.
Dave! (01:03:04.63) Like, they don't have any trouble slipping in these fucking exposition moments left and right, but they'll never tell us who Virgil is or why they have any familiarity with him.
Bryan! (01:03:14.3) No, no. As a matter of fact, we're gonna go about an hour and some change before his name is even mentioned again.
Dave! (01:03:22.167) Yeah, because as important and as delightful as Tony is in this movie, that's the last time we'll see him, like pretty much until the end.
Bryan! (01:03:31.152) Yeah.
Dave! (01:03:33.194) And when we do get him back, it's not the same old Tony that I love. It's Virgil. I don't even know who that is.
Bryan! (01:03:38.588) Yeah. Oh, no, no. You know what? I want to I need to make it a correction. Uh Helen Rojo is you were right is she's the woman who plays his mother. So, uh yeah.
Dave! (01:03:46.076) Ah!
Dave! (01:03:50.53) Yeah, because Ruben Glinda was like, we were very lucky to get her. I'm like, OK, I guess. I think you were very lucky to get Tony, honestly, and maybe those pajamas. But sure, I'm not from Mexico, so. Yeah.
Bryan! (01:03:54.388) Yep.
Bryan! (01:03:57.728) I'm not sure. Yeah. Oh, those pajamas were a god send. I hope he I hope he bought multiples.
Dave! (01:04:06.626) Well, he only wears one pair in this. It's like he has no other clothes, but I know he does, he has a Jordache jacket. And some sweet stonewashed jeans.
Bryan! (01:04:13.172) Yep.
Bryan! (01:04:16.8) So, yeah, at school, Michael attends a class talking about, I believe, the poet Shelley, and this is where he hallucinates suddenly his teacher warning him about Christy Higgins being murdered. So, that's one of the other girls at the party. And then,
Dave! (01:04:34.518) And meanwhile the teacher's like, does anyone know why Shelly went crazy? What kind of class is this?
Bryan! (01:04:38.892) right. Right. It has absolutely nothing to do with this poetry. Probably had probably had. So I believe I'm and I can't I can't tell because a lot of these girls kind of look the same. They're all dressed alike.
Dave! (01:04:45.014) No, it has to do with his crippling fear of death.
Dave! (01:04:56.958) Oh yeah, no, this scene is also straight out of Nightmare. This is the scene when she falls asleep in class.
Bryan! (01:05:01.234) Nightmare 1, yeah.
Yeah. So, I believe that's Christy who he hallucinates and she's just like laughing and looking at him and laughing and looking at him and blood is just pouring out of her.
Dave! (01:05:08.471) Yes.
Dave! (01:05:16.114) And it's like I it took me a minute because I was like, who is she? Because she's in the she's in that scene in the beginning, but she like barely she's the one who says the snotty thing about happy birthday or whatever.
Bryan! (01:05:19.813) Yeah, yeah.
Bryan! (01:05:30.088) Yeah, but.
Dave! (01:05:33.975) He wakes up screaming.
Bryan! (01:05:34.undefined) it's uh does he cuz I thought it yeah but um right so yeah but like at first at there's the whole lunch scene so uh they yeah he's got he's gonna blow off he's gonna blow off his new girlfriend who he loves and so at lunch Alex tells Michael that she wants him to meet her parents but he shrugs her off.
Dave! (01:05:37.302) He wakes up screaming in the in class or something. Cause this is when she takes him to the doctor.
Dave! (01:05:47.998) Oh right, because he's got the...
Bryan! (01:06:00.992) and he's being very like obviously evasive. Yeah, she's like, I really want you to come to have dinner and meet my family and he's like, no way, baby. I got studying to do. Yeah.
Dave! (01:06:03.602) It is, it is aloof in the extreme.
Dave! (01:06:13.246) Yeah, it's pretty much it. It's like, yeah, sure, baby, whatever. Whatever. But I'm busy later, all right?
Bryan! (01:06:18.556) Yeah, but he doesn't want to show her the monstrous red eyes he has. And, uh, she thinks that he's blowing her off because they had sex and he doesn't want anything to do with her anymore, which is definitely not the case, but so she storms off and then here comes John, the bully from the day before it gives him about this. And then he breaks his glasses.
Dave! (01:06:35.458) John's pretty great too. He's like a second runner up to Atom.
Bryan! (01:06:40.317) Yeah, to John's character. I've got notes about the way that he sort of presents because his
Dave! (01:06:41.866) Because John is like an unhinged maniac for no particular reason.
Dave! (01:06:49.526) Like later on he is a gun wielding maniac just because, like it's a normal thing dudes do. Well, I guess kinda.
Bryan! (01:06:52.489) his
I know his intensity is fucked up because like he's got like crazy eyes and like his face is always like twisting in anger. Yeah, so yeah, but now it's the thing with the broken glasses is fine because you know dude's eyes are okay, but his mom takes him to a doctor who tells her that he physically is fine, but he's probably crazy and then it's the result of some kind of difficulty in his life. And this is my this is my favorite part.
Dave! (01:07:03.847) I appreciate it. I think it's great.
Dave! (01:07:21.534) And there's something you should know.
Bryan! (01:07:24.516) of the entire. This is my favorite part of the entire movie. Hit it.
Dave! (01:07:30.722) There's something you should know. I have a drinking problem.
Bryan! (01:07:34.26) Cut! We...
Dave! (01:07:35.858) And this is right after she lights a cigarette in the doctor's office.
Bryan! (01:07:41.876) she says this and then we just move along to the next scene yep so that so it's back to michael at night
Dave! (01:07:50.654) And these are the hardest cuts you can imagine. It's just like whiplash being yanked from one scene to another.
Bryan! (01:07:54.856) Yeah, yeah. No fade, no star wipe, just cut. So he's back in his, his dinosaur PJs. And he overhears his mother pleading with his father to come, come and see him over the phone. Back in his room while watching Cemetery of Terror, my dad, Michael angrily tear. Yeah, he angrily tears up all of his race car posters. And then he eats.
Dave! (01:08:12.054) Yep. For the first time, it comes back again later.
Dave! (01:08:19.414) But like, again, while hurling himself about the role, he's not just like clearing a table in some slick 70s kind of way. He's like flopping around and leaping around and ripping shit down and throwing things.
Bryan! (01:08:32.596) he throws the basket of laundry and like the camera emphasizes this because it's not the last time that the camera is going to like linger on the throne basket of laundry. It's really weird. You could tell that like telenovelas really kind of played very heavily into the sort of the way that this movie is directed because all of the acting is so overwrought.
Dave! (01:08:53.29) Well, yeah, everybody is at a 10 emotionally.
Bryan! (01:08:56.22) Yeah. And there's a lot of there's a lot of like Michael's mother will they'll have a cut where she'll be on her in a room by herself and she'll do a sort of thing where she's just sort of like looks off into the middle distance like haunted and then she'll like bring her fist up to her chest and like hold it there for a minute.
Dave! (01:09:11.902) And you're waiting for a musical sting that never comes. Like that, like you're waiting for that dark shadows like, cut, but nope.
Bryan! (01:09:15.253) that never comes. Nope.
Bryan! (01:09:21.264) Yeah. No, just to cut. And so, so yeah, this is what he goes. No, because he's got to go out and warn Christie. So he gets out on his bike.
Dave! (01:09:25.718) But he doesn't have time to finish wrecking his room.
Dave! (01:09:31.606) He doesn't even have time to put regular people clothes on.
Bryan! (01:09:35.312) Nope, just goes out in his dyno PJs. And yeah, he rides around on his bike. And this is another one of those like prominent Marlboro placements where there's like a huge Marlboro sign in the shot as he's riding.
Dave! (01:09:47.758) I mean, it's like I don't really remember 1987 that well, but this, I think in the US they had I mean, you can still advertise cigarettes because now you don't they're not allowed to advertise cigarettes, but like back then you could. And like there were fucking signs up in magazines and everywhere for it. But these are like huge.
Bryan! (01:09:59.714) right.
Bryan! (01:10:04.454) Oh yeah.
They're very big. It's like a-
Dave! (01:10:08.714) These are just like, hey, not doing anything today? Why not smoke Marlboros?
Bryan! (01:10:12.568) Yeah. So, oh, yeah. And I forgot the reason that he suddenly feels like he has to go out is he sees a he sees a news report that is really fucking funny. Right. So, so the it's so fucking funny. It's like he stole a wig from Rick Okasek.
Dave! (01:10:23.71) Oh, this is where we get introduced to the cop too, who has the greatest hair.
Dave! (01:10:32.626) It is a fright wig, like straight out of Party City.
Bryan! (01:10:36.572) I bet you that's his hair. Like it's gots.
Dave! (01:10:38.078) Oh, it is his hair. Look, I mean, we can talk about it on Is It a Wig, but I'm pretty sure it's not.
Bryan! (01:10:44.749) Yeah, it's so fucking great. But yeah, like the thing is, is the news reporter is like, I'm at the scene of a murder where a girl named or like a boy named such and such was murdered and he was stabbed 13 times. And now I'm at another scene where a girl named such and such was also murdered stabbed several times. Yeah, it's like, and we believe that they're that these things are linked. Now here's a cop who's involved in the investigation, and he's this
Dave! (01:11:01.91) And these are like the two you don't give a shit about.
Bryan! (01:11:11.356) Here's this cop who's very Mexico City, but the dub.
Dave! (01:11:14.518) But he's like, hey, yo, listen, OK? We don't know if it's cult related or not, OK? Yeah, so good, so good.
Bryan! (01:11:21.032) We'll let you guys know. It's so fucking great. That's the thing about this movie is it's totally so fucking crazy. Like it's all over the place. There's gonna be a moment of just comic relief coming up in the near future that is just out of step with the rest of the movie. Like I cannot overstate how strange and just bizarre this movie is.
Dave! (01:11:46.006) But it's also so earnest that it is 100% endearing.
Bryan! (01:11:48.672) like, oh yeah, like, that's the thing is, like, I don't, I do, I'd like, a lot of, a lot of horror movies, like, most of them, I would say, are made by businessmen looking to make money. And so, you know, they didn't really give a fuck about it. Yeah, like, the thing about Galindo is I get the feeling that he was a, like, very much a fan of horror movies.
Dave! (01:12:04.05) Or someone trying to like break into the industry. Horror is a cheap, easy way to do it.
Dave! (01:12:13.322) Yeah, he loved horror movies. He says it in that interview. He was like, I he like blurted out one day to his father that he wanted to be a filmmaker. And then he was like, oh, what kind of movie am I going to make? And he was like, well, I like horror movies and horror movies are, you know, pretty popular and they're easy to sell ish. Especially the international markets.
Bryan! (01:12:32.732) Yeah, so this is the moment when Michael's like, oh shit, I gotta go save Christie because he keeps having these visions.
Dave! (01:12:38.758) And in order to do that, he has to get to the hospital because, you know, Christy's just working the overnight shift at the lab at the hospital, like you do when you're in high school.
Bryan! (01:12:44.768) Oh, right. But he he finds this out because he doesn't know this. He goes to Christie's house and we find out that Christie's brother is John. Who is who's he he's constantly like grabbing him by the lapels and like pulling him in tight and being like look nerd. I don't have time for this. You **
Dave! (01:12:54.123) Yeah, unhinged, John.
Dave! (01:13:05.45) Yeah, he has got 80s bully energy, like off the fucking charts.
Bryan! (01:13:09.8) Yeah. And he does he does something really crazy. Like at one point he says like you must be out of your mind. I mean, look at you. And he does this thing where he like sweeps his hand up and I'm like, oh, so he's the only person who realizes that these pajamas are really weird, right?
Dave! (01:13:23.818) Yeah, that even if, aside from the fact that he has gone out in his pajamas, he's wearing the pajamas of a seven year-old.
Bryan! (01:13:31.52) Yeah. Yeah. And then but then he's like, no, get the ** out of here. He does this thing like it looks like he's snapping his fingers. Just Yeah. It's so funny. It's so funny. Um also, John's hair. It's pretty good too.
Dave! (01:13:39.786) Yeah, it's got a real like smoke up Johnny kind of energy.
Dave! (01:13:48.466) Yeah, it is. That is a feathered work.
Bryan! (01:13:52.048) Yes, it is. So, so this is from this point on like Bischoff's going to essentially throw himself around every scene screaming his lines like there is no room for subtlety.
Dave! (01:14:07.562) And you know what it does though? It makes the movie so much better.
Bryan! (01:14:11.697) That's very the way that he does it too. It's almost like he's like he's trying to scream in a room where somebody was like, no, shh. People try to sleep because like everything that he does is kind of restrained.
Dave! (01:14:24.982) But it's like he's had a head injury and can't control the volume of his voice.
Bryan! (01:14:28.621) Yeah, yeah, he's got a very weird like and it's that kind of
Dave! (01:14:32.922) Or like, control anything that he does, because he does some crazy shit from here on out. But this is when he arrives at the hospital, and the sign says hospital, but it's clearly just like black tape. Because it's kind of coming out, like it probably says whatever the name of the hospital is, but it's probably in Spanish. So it's like they just put like hospital, but it's like they cut it out of like construction paper, like oak tag paper, and stick it on.
Bryan! (01:14:38.362) Yeah.
Bryan! (01:14:46.276) Yes.
Bryan! (01:14:56.112) Yeah, it was, it's like, it's like the, uh, don't be later. You'll be expelled sign that we see earlier. Very crudely made.
Dave! (01:15:02.887) Mm-hmm.
Dave! (01:15:06.377) Could you not have gotten like a dot matrix printer or something like?
Bryan! (01:15:09.42) I know, I know. Cause like, I mean, I suspect that like, I don't know, maybe it was covering up some like Spanish language stuff that they just couldn't, that they couldn't, yeah.
Dave! (01:15:16.946) It probably was, it's probably covering up the name of the hospital. Because all of this is shot on location.
Bryan! (01:15:22.908) Yeah. So, so, now, Michael, he gets the red eyes in the hospital and he's trying to get in there and the woman at the at the door or at the, you know, the desk very reasonably is like, who are you? What are you doing here?
Dave! (01:15:39.082) You can't just come waltzing into a hospital in the middle of the night in children's pajamas, sir. And I say sir because you're clearly an adult.
Bryan! (01:15:43.716) Yeah. And so, yeah, he's like, oh, I gotta find Christy Higgins. She's in danger. We gotta save her. Like, he's, it's very much like that, but like pitched way, way up. And the lady's like, get the fuck out of here. I'm calling security, but like while she's distracted, he gets him.
Dave! (01:16:04.314) But like before the elevator door closed, he gives her that kind of like, uh, that like Robert Downey Jr. Like, you know, what are you gonna do? Here I go, look. And we get this real Scooby-Doo chase kind of moment now.
Bryan! (01:16:12.648) Yeah.
Bryan! (01:16:17.988) Yeah. So, so he's trying to get, he's trying to find her. He's like running around the place. Um, we find out, this is where we find out that Christie, uh, nominally a 17 year old is, uh, like a professional hospital worker, but like
Dave! (01:16:34.146) She's just running tests in the phlebotomy lab.
Bryan! (01:16:38.016) Yeah. As as one as a seventeen year old does. My god, it's yep. She's all by herself and we're getting killer. Yeah, turn a ** light on. She she's she's all by herself just doing her thing and we get killer POV at this point. So, she's being stalked and Michael's got the red eyes. So, he knows that that that she's being stalked.
Dave! (01:16:42.331) normal Wednesday night.
In a very dark lab.
Dave! (01:17:00.982) But that is also never made explicitly clear that he's, this is like a, like this is kind of an eyes of Laura Mars situation. Like it's just, you kind of pick up eventually that he's seeing what the killer is seeing, but like it's never really clear that that's what's happening.
Bryan! (01:17:05.431) Yeah
Bryan! (01:17:18.032) I think, yeah, I think that like I picked up on it fairly easily just because I think I just watched like Nightmare on Elm Street 2 right around the time, which kind of is where he's pulling that from. Where like Freddy is sort of emerging through, you know, the world. The whole thing is where he it's like basically the main character is kind of the killer sort of thing. So
Yeah, once again, Michael gets accosted by security, who he somehow convinces to like call the blood lab and like, get her attention, but she's actively being stalked at this point. And is hiding. And it's all going well.
Dave! (01:18:05.27) But she does eventually pick up the phone right as the security guy hangs up.
Bryan! (01:18:09.36) Yep, she comes out of hiding and that's all it took because she's going to get stabbed and stabbed and stabbed. And so we see we see the killer's hand this time he's got this like elaborate knife like I don't know if we've seen the knife up to this point. But
Dave! (01:18:25.113) It's got, it's a real like Indiana Jones design to it.
Bryan! (01:18:29.933) I had read that it's supposed to be patterned after the Candarian dagger from Evil Dead, but they don't really look alike.
Dave! (01:18:35.988) Okay.
No, because this is clearly like a handmade in a couple of days thing. I mean, I don't remember what it looks like in Evil Down. I don't really much care for that movie, but it is it is like most things in this, it is a slap dash production.
Bryan! (01:18:43.48) Yeah, yeah, they glued like a.
Bryan! (01:18:54.368) Yeah, it kind of looks like a like a toy. And so if this is the part where Michael is kind of again, he's like blinded by this effect. So he's like staggering around the hospital and he runs down the hall.
Dave! (01:19:06.294) But also like he's being attacked by bees at the same time. Like he's just whirling and twirling through the hall. Get pinballing off the walls.
Bryan! (01:19:13.264) Yep. And he re he comes around and there's these two nurses that he probably it looks like he's about to navigate between the two of them and he throws his arms out to either side to sort of sort of clothesline them. And then and then like yeah, they see him and they see the red eyes and they're like kind of scared and he's like, Hey, how do I get to the blood lab? And they're like, go down there. And he's like, Do I take the right or the left? And they're like, Take the stairs on the right.
Dave! (01:19:40.902) I love how specific this thing, like, they should just run away. And yet they're like, ugh, I'll show you, come on.
Bryan! (01:19:45.52) Yeah. They're very Yeah. They're very, very helpful. but yeah, Kristi ends up attacked and um so II looked up a lot of the people in this movie just to be like, what are they doing now and I was really surprised by this one because she goes on to become um sort of in the dying days of the of the WCW. She turned out to be one of Scott Steiner's
Dave! (01:20:14.626) What's the WCW? Oh, wrestling?
Bryan! (01:20:15.912) That was the, yeah, that was the not WWE one. That was their big competitor at the time. So yeah, she was, for a couple of years, she was like a ring performer, not a wrestler though. She was like a valet. Yep. So she ends up stabbed several times and...
Dave! (01:20:31.154) All right, I can get it.
Bryan! (01:20:40.8) as they're hassling Michael, they hear he hears the scream in the distance is like ** I didn't make it in time. No. So, Michael manages to break away and but now the killer. Nope. So, the killer is chasing him and so we see him in in in silhouette and I'll tell you what as soon as I saw that like the very first time I was like that looks like Tony's hair to me.
Dave! (01:20:52.126) And he could take the stairs. But he goes another route.
Bryan! (01:21:07.572) because it's that big like rounded sort of feathered thing. And then it turns out that the killer is Tony who...
Dave! (01:21:10.093) Yeah.
Dave! (01:21:14.378) It is Tony in some very strategically ripped jeans.
Bryan! (01:21:20.229) Yeah, yeah. His hair's all grayed out now for some reason and he's bloody and he's got this like weird voice and he's like, hey, don't you recognize me? I'm Tony, your best friend. I'm Tony. I know what I could have could have could have fooled me. So yeah, they run around the hospital and Michael's
Dave! (01:21:31.402) And then we all say, best friend? Really? Cause you were kind of a jerk.
Bryan! (01:21:43.396) His means of exit is literally leaping headfirst through a window.
Dave! (01:21:48.054) Which is amazing, because for someone who cannot see, is banging around the halls, and doesn't even know what floor he's on, that seems real risky. Also, how did he know where the window was?
Bryan! (01:22:00.069) Yep.
expertly executed as well. Because he gets away. And he runs, he runs home. And just as he's coming back into his room, his mother comes in and sees him like standing on the on the on
Dave! (01:22:15.624) scene. This is almost like this is like a this is an they're all gonna laugh at you level of excitement in this moment.
Bryan! (01:22:22.108) Hahaha!
because he's not, he's standing. So the thing is, this is much bigger than, if you think of a room in your, a window in your room, you're probably seeing the same, it's a massive window. It's a humongous window that he opens a door and can walk out of. So he's coming in and her reaction is, her reaction is like, no, don't do it, thinking he's gonna jump out. She's.
Dave! (01:22:33.718) This is like if a bay window could open.
Dave! (01:22:43.978) It's like a hay baling door.
Dave! (01:22:50.698) But again, she's out of fucking 10. And he's just like, I'm not gonna kill myself. She's like, you have so much to live for. It's so fucking weird.
Bryan! (01:22:59.737) because she like she's like oh thank god he's not suicidal but then he's like I keep having these visions and Tony's murdering all these people so like he goes from suicidal to crazy again
Dave! (01:23:10.07) Yeah, also the aw shucks boyishness of this character is gone at this point, and it does not come back.
Bryan! (01:23:17.096) He's, well, yeah, this is probably the last scene of it because he like throws himself at his mother and he's like, oh mom, I'm so scared.
Dave! (01:23:25.941) Look, are you? You just fucking hurled yourself out a window!
Bryan! (01:23:29.66) Yeah. So, so hearing Michael's story, she does the only thing that a mother probably could think of in this moment. She calls a doctor.
Dave! (01:23:38.474) Well, I'll tell you what she does. She does what Nancy Thompson's mother does in this moment.
Bryan! (01:23:43.152) Yes, that's right. She calls the doctor. The doctor shoots him up with a heavy sedative.
Dave! (01:23:51.062) But I'll tell you, he's not that resistant to it.
Bryan! (01:23:54.368) Nope. He-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he
Dave! (01:23:55.862) But I mean, if someone if someone said to me, look, I'm going to inject you with something, I'm not really going to tell you what it is, but you will sleep so well for like the next 10 hours. I would be like, great. It could be fucking floor cleaner. I don't care as long as I get to just take it. Take a few hours to myself.
Bryan! (01:24:06.114) Hahaha
Bryan! (01:24:12.516) Yeah. And so now, now his dad shows up. And this is exactly what she wanted earlier. She wanted this guy to like, come around to see your son. But now that the guy is here, she's like, what the fuck are you doing here? We don't need you.
Dave! (01:24:27.87) And my note says, why does this obviously Mexican man have such a pronounced New Jersey accent?
Bryan! (01:24:32.957) Yep. Because it's the same guy who's doing the cop.
Dave! (01:24:36.298) Yep. And the dad is like, he's kind of like Tom Atkins looking, but like less rugged and more finance. And it's kind of like, why are you even in this movie? What is this scene?
Bryan! (01:24:43.049) Yeah.
Bryan! (01:24:50.728) This yeah. So the dad.
Dave! (01:24:52.33) But again, I think this is the fight that was of Ronnie Blakely and John Saxon have in Nightmare.
Bryan! (01:24:59.092) Yes. Right, cuz again, in Nightmare, Nancy's mom is a drunk. But like, there's a fucking
Dave! (01:25:08.402) and they are divorced and they have that moment where she like yells at him.
Bryan! (01:25:12.264) Yeah. Jesus Christ. Yeah. The thing is, Nancy's mom is drinking away her guilt at murdering a person. This is just a woman.
Dave! (01:25:21.13) Yes. Nancy's mom is also a dangerous alcoholic who is trying to get her daughter murdered.
And I don't think Michael's mother is quite there.
Bryan! (01:25:31.814) I think. No, no, she's just she's just an alcoholic and they have.
Dave! (01:25:37.074) Now, here's my thought about this, because I was thinking about this earlier that obviously this movie is pulling from so many American movies. And this is a thing that I think a lot of international movies do when they're trying to kind of give the air of American films. But the problem is, it's like the Nightmare on Elm Street is a groundbreaking movie. It's also a very well written, like it is a well thought out, well executed film. It is a cohesive story. It's got some fucking plot holes in it.
And it's obviously very outrageous, but it is a, from beginning to end, someone thought this thing through. What they're doing is just pulling disparate pieces from different movies and jamming them all together. And it's like, you're not, well, the one thing you're missing, you have the enthusiasm, it's Rob Zombie. You have the enthusiasm for what you're doing. And that is why I am so endeared, but you don't have the talent to pull it off.
Bryan! (01:26:12.264) Yeah.
Dave! (01:26:31.862) You have not written a coherent story. It is just a bunch of weird shit from other movies that you've mushed together.
Bryan! (01:26:39.488) I, yeah, I would like to actually kind of because this is not the first time we've seen this. They they do. Filmmakers do this ** all the time. My question is to what purpose does it serve to just lift whole scenes from other movies? I have maybe because like this is very blatant.
Dave! (01:26:52.938) I think to be familiar.
Dave! (01:26:58.114) But they also, they rushed through this movie. They made this thing in six weeks for $300,000. And it sounds like we are being very critical. I fucking love this movie. I think it is so good. And this is better than 80% of the horror movies I've ever seen.
Bryan! (01:27:07.481) Oh yeah, that's the thing.
Bryan! (01:27:13.472) I find myself explaining that a lot. Like when I talk about movies and when we do it on when we do them on the show, it sounds like we're ragging on them or just dunking on these movies from start to finish. But the thing is, is like we love these movies genuinely. Like this is
Dave! (01:27:29.502) And this movie is this movie was made with love for the genre. This is why I say I will always watch any piece of shit that Rob Zombie puts out because I have never seen a good one. I think he's a terrible writer. It's a decent director. Terrible film writer there. And I will keep watching it because it is made with love. That's all I really fucking care about. It's so much fun to watch. And there is so much garbage out there that gets the praise heaped upon it that it does not deserve.
Bryan! (01:27:57.501) Yeah.
Dave! (01:27:57.738) And that is why I just want to make it very clear that while we are mocking this film, I genuinely love this movie so much.
Bryan! (01:28:03.548) Yeah, like this comes from a very real place. When I talk about this, I'm talking from the heart. I fucking love them, but I also recognize how ridiculous they are, and I love them for that.
Dave! (01:28:16.278) Yeah, and in that interview that I was watching with Ruben Glindo, you get the feeling that he kind of gets it too. Like he makes some comments about like, there's some comedy, like we tried to like have some lighthearted moments, like just to have a little fun with it. And he was like, but I also know that there is some unintentional comedy. I was like, some.
Okay. So you get the feeling like he also kind of gets like, it's a little silly. We didn't have like, we were young. We didn't really know what we're doing. We had no fucking money and we were rushing through it. So there's probably did not take a lot of time to write a very good description.
Bryan! (01:28:43.694) Yeah.
Bryan! (01:28:59.68) Yeah. Well, I'm glad to know that he's got a sense of humor about it because like there are some guys
Dave! (01:29:03.202) Oh yeah, he seems like a really great guy. Like you get the feeling that he really appreciates film. He loves his own movies. He loves that people love his movies. He's so happy that people have found it. There's like video market really kind of found a new audience. So, you know, it's not like when you watch some of this shit and you're like, I love this movie and your heart is a little bit broken when the director's just kind of like, I don't know. I don't really remember it. Like we were just trying to make a fucking movie, whatever.
Bryan! (01:29:27.588) Yeah. Right. Like, um, I recently, I recently saw the Troll 2 documentary and the one part about it that I think everybody who's seen it really kind of remembers is Claudio Fragasso seems positively insulted at the notion that people like the movie for all the wrong reasons.
Dave! (01:29:48.418) Which is wild because if you do not watch that movie with a sense of humor, it is absolute dog shit. It makes no fucking sense. It is dumb as shit. And it is a terrible, terrible movie. There's a reason why the fucking documentary is called Best Worst Movie.
Bryan! (01:29:57.134) Yes. Yeah, yeah.
Bryan! (01:30:06.416) Yep. So, let's get, let's get back to the movie here. So, so.
Dave! (01:30:11.51) Sorry, that was just my aside, because I don't want it to seem as though we do not think that this is a quality product.
Bryan! (01:30:17.092) Yeah, no, this is this is a movie that I very sincerely recommend to people. I think everybody should watch it. It's wonderful. It's it is there. It fills me with joy watching it like I watched it last. Yeah. So, oh my god because things are about to turn really strange. Um while Michael's parents are fighting.
Dave! (01:30:30.046) And it is only going to get better.
Bryan! (01:30:40.816) uh and an unseen invader like gets into his room and again, it's more like POV stuff and the implication here is evil Tony has found him but um it turns out to be John with a shotgun who intends to kidnap Michael and so Michael being sedated ends up getting fireman carried out the window. Yep and in the morning, we find out that John thought to make a person out of pillows in Michael's bed.
Dave! (01:30:50.399) No, no.
Dave! (01:31:00.034) Yes, we fucking just chucked him over his shoulder.
Dave! (01:31:06.634) So that's my question because you see him throw him over his shoulder and then exit through the window. So that means that he either came back to put the pillows in the bed to make it look like a person, sort of a la Ferris Bueller's Day Off.
Bryan! (01:31:11.292) Yep. Did he come? Did he come back?
Bryan! (01:31:24.412) Yeah. I love it. It's
Dave! (01:31:26.902) I'm gonna see how many teen 80s movies I can check here.
Bryan! (01:31:30.936) Yep. Oh, we've got a few of them. What are we up to three or four now?
Dave! (01:31:35.2) I think.
Bryan! (01:31:35.808) Yeah. Uh so yeah. Uh when Michael wakes up, he's still in the PJs. He finds out that John intends to kill him because he thinks that he killed Christie. So, uh the only yeah. So, the only thing that Michael thinks to do is to tell him the story uh about the uh evil red eyes and evil Tony and the visions that he has. Because that's gone so well for him so far. Um so,
Dave! (01:31:46.274) Just a fair assumption.
Bryan! (01:32:04.684) This is enough to, I guess, convince John to go to Tony's place. So they go.
Dave! (01:32:09.902) I mean, he is no less understanding or any less angry. He's still at an 11 with a shotgun.
Bryan! (01:32:13.456) No. Yeah. Yep. He's the so they go to Tony's sad bachelor pad and they and they find the place completely empty. They find the crucifix that was over his bed like desecrated like jammed into the wall like stabbed through the wall.
Dave! (01:32:27.85) It's just like everybody in this fucking movie has a drinking problem.
Bryan! (01:32:31.024) Everybody has a drinking, and this is not the end of it.
Dave! (01:32:34.35) Because these are all teenagers, supposedly teenagers, and everybody's just like, get me a beer, get me a drink. I'm like, don't you have a shift to work at the hospital?
Bryan! (01:32:42.374) Yeah.
Oh yeah and grown ass adults like offer him alcohol later on. Yeah, it just it's this is an escalation of madness. So they watch Sedimentary of Terror to pass the time. So regrettably, Michael takes the time to change out of his PJs. That's the last we see of him for the rest of the movie. Yeah, the thing is
Dave! (01:32:49.52) in the craziest scene of the movie, which I think that's the eighth time I've said that.
Dave! (01:32:57.858) So they are also watching Cemetery of Terror again.
Dave! (01:33:09.198) And that is the last we will see of him. But, but he actually leaves the pajama pants on when he puts jeans on.
Bryan! (01:33:15.28) That's right, he puts the pants on over the PJs.
Dave! (01:33:19.914) Now, I don't know about you, jeans, I do not wear baggy jeans, I wear regular jeans like everybody else. And I can't imagine having like sweatpants on underneath them.
Bryan! (01:33:31.498) It would look weird on top of it all. They just fit very strangely. It might look like you're.
Dave! (01:33:32.79) Yeah. And he flicks, and he tucks his shirt in, no belt.
Bryan! (01:33:38.58) like, no. And and the thing is up to this now up to this point, like everybody that's right. It's where lucky they fit. Um everybody in this movie at the from this point on is going to be screaming like everybody screams. All of their lines are delivered at a scream. It is like we are watching demons too. Like everybody is going to scream even when they don't have to.
Dave! (01:33:42.858) Also, he's putting on Tony's pants.
Dave! (01:34:03.358) And listen, they paid for all of those blanks, all that ammunition. They're going to use every single one of them.
Bryan! (01:34:09.94) Oh, my god. Yes, they are. Um so, as they're hanging out waiting, uh Tony does the whole head through the TV thing again in front of John and he tells him that Virgil is the killer. So, from this point on, we're at about an hour and 10 minutes into an into a into a 90-minute movie. So, Virgil was mentioned at the very beginning of the movie.
This is the next time we're gonna hear his name, and I believe it's about the last time we're gonna hear his name, and he's.
Dave! (01:34:39.446) And there is no indication at any point that either of them have become possessed.
Bryan! (01:34:44.368) right so uh yeah so now john is convinced because they've got to go and they've got to save another one of their friends uh robert maybe
Dave! (01:34:54.498) Because he makes the rose float up in the air.
Bryan! (01:34:57.46) That's right. He does all sorts of like supernatural stuff. Tone. Yeah, let's just go with that.
Dave! (01:34:59.69) when I thought, is Tony magic?
Dave! (01:35:05.366) You're going to have to. Yeah. I mean, there's who cares? Why not?
Bryan! (01:35:08.3) Yeah, a lot of this. Yeah, you're doing yourself a favor watching this. If you just go, let's, yeah, sure. Okay. So, John pulls a gun out of his waistband, asks Michael, you know how to use this?
Dave! (01:35:21.822) And the answer is absolutely not. And he will demonstrate that over and over again.
Bryan! (01:35:24.392) Nope, because he's going to use it.
he is going to use it dangerously. So now they have to go and save Robert who is drunk and wearing no pants. He is this is this is where we get a little comedy things get a little light. They drag him out.
Dave! (01:35:37.154) Very, very drunk.
Dave! (01:35:45.29) Yeah, none of the nudity in this movie is titillating. It is all very uncomfortable.
Bryan! (01:35:49.187) Hahaha
Bryan! (01:35:53.356) you're expecting. So, everybody's an alcoholic in this movie and uh and so they're trying to get Robert to go into to get into the car with them but he's like, I'm standing out here in my underwear. I need to get pants. I'm going to go get pants and they're like, whoa, wait, wait. You're not going anywhere mister and so,
Dave! (01:36:15.126) Look, Michael has two pairs on, why doesn't he just give him one?
Bryan! (01:36:17.992) Jesus, I didn't even think of that. He could just give him one of his pants. So he goes into the place to get Robert pants and John threatens him with the shotgun, telling him to get in the car, which he does by climbing through the window. And so now.
Dave! (01:36:22.089) Mm-hmm.
Dave! (01:36:35.733) Isn't this when he screams at him, do you believe in Satan?
Bryan! (01:36:38.74) that's yeah that's the part that's coming up so now with Robert in the car and Michael gone this is a like they know that they've got to protect this guy to keep him alive this is the part where John's like oh sweet the bodega is open I'm going to go over there and buy some smokes yeah something more specifically Marlboro Reds but he's got the shotgun with him and so the guy it's pretty funny it's out of nowhere
Dave! (01:36:53.142) Gotta get some Marlboros. Yep.
Dave! (01:37:00.505) I think this scene is actually kind of good. Cause it's goofy as hell, but it works.
Bryan! (01:37:06.744) So he goes in, he's got a shotgun, the guy thinks he's being robbed. And so he gives him the cigarettes.
Dave! (01:37:11.894) But at no point does John realize that that's what's going on, even though he is holding a giant gun. And he's just like, oh, hey, thanks, man. Thanks for giving me these for free.
Bryan! (01:37:15.422) It's this.
Bryan! (01:37:22.448) Yeah. So, in his absence, Robert kind of wakes up and Evil Tony is like stalking around the car and he reaches in with a knife and he cuts his throat and so, you know, now,
Dave! (01:37:35.494) in what is the worst special effects I have ever seen.
Bryan! (01:37:39.817) It's one of the one of the one of the labor ones in the in the movie.
Dave! (01:37:43.143) Screaming at George was not there for reshoots.
Bryan! (01:37:45.824) the back seat. So, yeah, he uh he gets him and then he just sort of like collapses into the into the back seat. Now, here's the thing about Evil Tony. He's kind of invisible.
Dave! (01:37:56.318) Yeah, kind of is the key words here, because John can see him, but he also can't see him. If that makes any sense and it doesn't.
Bryan! (01:38:03.428) Yeah, like it's there's because we do this with the red eyes also like the red eyes are supposed to blind Michael, but sometimes they do and sometimes they don't. Everything gets a little inconsistent and this is one of the times because like Robert's dead in the back of the car and John is just like hanging out smoking butts and um Michael gets the red eye like killer POV thing and he sees him like going.
Dave! (01:38:28.438) He's flopping around the hall, trying to get down the stairs, like rolling down the stairs.
Bryan! (01:38:31.476) Yeah. Too drunk to fuck. And so he he's like he gets outside and he's screaming for john who is oblivious he's in the car. And this is the part where john suddenly looks into the into the rearview and evil Tony's in the back making like monster faces at him. And that's what he's giving him
Dave! (01:38:35.766) Serious?
Dave! (01:38:51.734) But also kinda still giving you a goofy Tony face.
And for that I thank him.
Bryan! (01:38:58.156) is giving him Tony face with the screaming Matt George like makeup appliance on him.
Dave! (01:39:00.862) Yep. And again, I will say this, the Tony makeup, the Virgil makeup, it actually looks pretty good by the end of the movie. Here it looks a little shitty by the end of the movie. It looks pretty good.
Bryan! (01:39:11.14) Right, because it's a bit of a progression. It's by the last part of the movie, he's like desiccated and fucked up looking. It's really good. And it's that kind of like gooey rubbery effect that like Screamin' Mad George is kind of known for. But yeah, like he's got like the sunken eyes and they're all fucked up. And he yells, do you believe in Satan? Which is such a funny fucking line. It's the funniest line in the movie.
Dave! (01:39:33.251) I laughed out loud. I have seen this movie so many goddamn times.
Bryan! (01:39:48.23) like, and uh and at that part, he's like prancing around the Tony and like Michael is just like telling him like, be strange thing to say to say
Dave! (01:39:58.494) Well, he's just blind firing a shotgun everywhere. Apparently this is he they had like one shell left and he turned and fired it like at the camera, which of course, they really like ruins the shot, obviously, because even though it's a it's a blank, it's still, you know, still explosion. So they had to go out and find they were like we had we found someone who had a couple shells of like blank shells. And I was like, you're just buying random like
Bryan! (01:40:08.794) Oh.
Bryan! (01:40:15.165) Yeah, there's gas and shit inside the shell.
Dave! (01:40:28.785) You Alec Baldwin?
Bryan! (01:40:29.962) I'm sorry.
Bryan! (01:40:34.136) Yep.
Dave! (01:40:34.186) Jesus, this is like kamikaze filmmaking.
Bryan! (01:40:37.968) Yeah. Just doing it. Doing it uh like on the fly. But uh yeah. So so Tony Evil, Evil Tony makes himself uh visible to John who then like shoots him with a shotgun and knocks him over and then he's like jump. Yeah.
Dave! (01:40:51.902) It's a real madcap moment. It's like, it's a real like, it wouldn't surprise me if he popped up and booped him on the nose. Like it has that kind of vibe to it.
Bryan! (01:41:00.185) Yeah, he so John's like prancing around jumping up and down. He gets into the car for some reason he's climbing through the car and he does the ultimate rookie mistake where he sticks his head out the window and evil Tony stabs him with the knife from below. And this is such a fucking cool kill. It's like the scene in the prowler where like the guy gets
Dave! (01:41:19.722) I believe he said, Ruben Gildo said this was one of his favorite shots.
Bryan! (01:41:23.228) Yeah, because he gets stabbed basically through the mouth from like underneath and you can see if you're watching closely, you can actually see the appliance kind of like extend inside of his mouth. So it looks as though the knife is like passing through it. It's it's a legitimately very cool effect. But that's it for that's it for john. And so now yeah, that was really the hero shot. And so now
Dave! (01:41:44.29) It's also it for cool effects.
Bryan! (01:41:53.128) Michael flees on foot. Virtual lose.
Dave! (01:41:55.842) Now listen, he cannot seem to find or make his way down a flight of stairs, but he can run down a street, blind firing a gun behind him with no problem.
Bryan! (01:42:08.636) Yeah, Evil Tony loses the knife somehow at this point, I think.
Dave! (01:42:13.622) I think when he shoots him, he knocks it out of his hand.
Bryan! (01:42:17.472) That's right. Yeah. So, now, Michael's running down the streets of Mexico City being pursued by invisible evil Tony who's driving John's car and he gets waylaid by some cops who arrest him toilet face. Come here toilet face. He says such a great look. Yeah.
Dave! (01:42:32.303) One of whom calls him Toilet Face.
Dave! (01:42:37.686) You know, that classic American phrase.
Bryan! (01:42:42.944) And so so but then the car that he says he's like I'm the the the red car is trying to kill me and so the cops turn and like there's the red car and then they go to look at it and like all the bodies flop out of it and in this in this time, Michael again flees and as he's running, he's being like haunted by visions of his dead friends with like the evil Tony's knife like stuck in their head and ** but we also get a little little
Dave! (01:43:09.814) But it's like a real kind of gauzy montage, like, of like everybody like, oh, why, why have you killed me, Michael? It's that kind of thing. And everyone looks like the little girl from Night of the Living Dead.
Bryan! (01:43:12.767) Yeah.
Bryan! (01:43:17.504) the Yeah. Uh but it's also set to a Yeah. Yeah. They got the like It's set to a ** awesome to hear again later on. I Michael flees to Alex's house some foreign dignitaries
Dave! (01:43:42.582) This is insane.
Bryan! (01:43:44.74) Her father is the monopoly guy.
Dave! (01:43:47.102) Yeah, fucking twirly curly mustache and all.
Bryan! (01:43:50.416) Yep. And he's where he's also he's wearing the tuxedo and they've got like this basically this dude from Mexico presumably who invites Michael. Yes, who they invite who invites Michael to have dinner with them.
Dave! (01:43:58.562) We'll call him Senator.
Dave! (01:44:04.086) Now, Michael, it should be said at this point, Michael is ranting and raving. He has a gun in his hand. He is soaked in sweat and his shirt is stained. And he looks like he's about to pass out. He's like pale and he looks like he's dying.
Bryan! (01:44:08.645) Sweaty.
Bryan! (01:44:13.492) Yep.
Bryan! (01:44:19.388) Yeah. And what do you do? You offer him some wine. Yeah. So, in the middle of dinner,
Dave! (01:44:24.156) Well, you seem like a troubled young man holding a gun. Would you like a drink?
Bryan! (01:44:28.844) it's calm those nerves. So, Michael gets the red eyes again and he sees uh like basically POV of Evil Tony like coming up on Alex's house. So, he whips out the gun and he just starts shooting this thing all over the place. Yep. Uh then he uh then he pull the he pulls a Patty Hearst and he kidnaps Alex for some reason.
Dave! (01:44:30.167) Yeah.
Dave! (01:44:43.446) got blind-fired all around the room.
Dave! (01:44:51.314) And in an old tiny Rolls Royce.
Bryan! (01:44:54.32) Yes. He's like, you gotta come with me. I'll explain later, which is like
Dave! (01:44:57.898) It's like Daddy Warbucks' fucking car from Annie.
Bryan! (01:45:01.14) it is. Yeah. And and she was probably going to be attacked by Evil Tony next. It's really, really not clear. This all seems very random but yeah, they get into a fancy like just rag top car with the top down. Uh they drive out until they just kind of stop and I think actually they stop at the place where John was killed and they have to find the knife.
Dave! (01:45:25.495) And he says, how will I know it? He says, it's got demon marks on it. What the fuck does that mean?
Bryan! (01:45:31.909) I know but at the same time like if I found the knife, I'd be like, Dean Marks, there it is. Yeah. And so, yep. So, they're looking around all over the ground and uh Evil Tony is now like uh casually resting his body on the uh on this
Dave! (01:45:35.062) Be like, oh, demon marks, okay. Wasn't lying.
Dave! (01:45:47.274) Yeah, Evil Tony's got- at this point, he's got a real kind of like, the Leprechaun vibe to him.
Bryan! (01:45:52.096) Yep. And so, uh
Dave! (01:45:55.222) But this is when I was like, okay, Evil Tony actually looks pretty cool now.
Bryan! (01:45:59.408) Yeah, cuz we get some close ups of them and the makeup's really good. And and so they find the knife and they flee to some sort of warehouse for basically what is the final showdown with Tony. And so.
Dave! (01:46:11.683) you might remember it from the end of Nightmare in Elm Street.
They're in the foundry.
Bryan! (01:46:39.137) the
Dave! (01:46:42.278) Yeah, just fucking chucking crates at him.
Bryan! (01:46:44.564) gleefully throwing garbage at him. It's so fucking funny. And so Michael finally faces Evil Tony down and he gets this idea to trap him under some heavy shit, but he's going to like maneuver him into position so he can drop it on him and then he does and it works. Evil Tony is trapped, but he fakes him out by like making him think that not Evil Tony is back and then as Michael gets closer, he uses his mind to like lift him up in the air.
Yeah. And Michael, of course, is doing the touch your temples thing. He's got the red eyes. And then Alex comes in with the world's most ineffective cop who he's been kind of floating around throughout this movie and scenes that I just have not really thought to mention because they're meaningless and they don't go anywhere but here.
Dave! (01:47:36.566) And he also calls Alex baby.
Bryan! (01:47:39.436) Yeah. So, so what ends up what ends up happening is Alex gets the knife and she stabs Evil Tony with it and it causes Michael to fall to his death. It kills Evil Tony.
Dave! (01:47:40.49) Which is really weird.
Dave! (01:47:51.702) but also kills Evil Tony. And I have to say, is it really a tragedy? Because let's be honest, Tony didn't exactly have a lot going for him before he got possessed either. He had some problems, if anything.
Bryan! (01:48:00.112) apartment. Yeah. If his if his apartment was anything to be judged, I think she did him a favor. But uh yeah, so now Evil, Evil Tony's gone. Regular Tony is back and he apologizes just before dying and this is where the part where like the cop is sort of like consoles her and he's like, hey baby, I'm sorry or something like that. It's
Dave! (01:48:28.458) And it's like, did no. So one of the things that Ruben Gundo says is that John Michael Bischoff, one of the things about having him there was that he could kind of correct some of the dialogue if it sounded a little wonky or clunky, like if it was, you know, it's not American English. And so maybe he was in the bathroom when they shot that or something, because that is a very familiar thing to say to someone that you don't know.
Bryan! (01:48:42.622) Yeah.
Bryan! (01:48:53.024) Yeah. Yeah. And so, yeah. So, now, we cut to the funeral and uh it's just, you know, it's just a funeral scene but Alex has the rose that he gave her originally and it's, you know, it's it's withered, you know, cuz it's a ** rose and so what she it's it's the
Dave! (01:49:10.33) It's a magic rose, like the end of Beauty and the Beast.
Bryan! (01:49:13.692) Yeah, it's the Rose and so she like takes it and throws it onto his coffin as it's being lowered and when it lands, it's perfectly alive and brand new again and she
Dave! (01:49:23.83) So don't worry everybody, everything's okay. They still love each other, except he's dead.
Bryan! (01:49:28.304) Yeah. And she like looks to the sky and smiles. Roll credits. Play that badass song. It's called Don't Panic. Uh and it's composed and performed by the film star, John Michael Bischoff.
Dave! (01:49:33.662) And cue that fucking banger.
Dave! (01:49:42.422) Now, why this has not been released on vinyl is confusing and it is a shame.
Bryan! (01:49:48.564) I would bet that the original materials are just are just gone. They just don't exist anymore that because this is a song that just I wish we got the full thing because we don't even get to hear the whole song. It plays over the
Dave! (01:49:52.31) The only excuse.
Dave! (01:50:01.246) No, and it sounds like he recorded this, like in his bedroom with like a fucking little midi player, and that's it.
Bryan! (01:50:07.28) Yeah. Like he's like if it were around today, he'd be singing it into his phone. Like it's that quality but it's such a cool. It's awkward and it's weird but it's also really cool. I it. Yeah, I love it. I love it. That's it. That's don't panic. It is. It's a special thing. It is a really fun, very stupid, very stupid movie but
Dave! (01:50:20.051) It's perfect. It fits it perfect.
Dave! (01:50:25.654) God, this movie is so fucking good.
Dave! (01:50:36.374) But I'll tell you what, I thank fucking God I just put this on one day because it has opened up a whole new realm of cinema.
Bryan! (01:50:46.684) Yeah. Cuz like, I mean, you've like, you've really followed up. Like, I've watched like the vacations of terror movies and I've watched the like the other Ruben Galindo movies. But like, you've kind of gone deep. Like, you've watched the Renee Cardona's and uh like, yeah, that's uh
Dave! (01:51:01.802) It's great stuff, I mean it's... I mean it's not all great, some of it sucks, but... You know, they can't all be gems.
Bryan! (01:51:06.204) Yeah. But I mean, nah, but it's also it's really weird because it it's a whole world of like genre movies that for whatever reason, I've never really watched until just recently and it's mostly because they just haven't been available. Like this is not a movie that was ever.
Dave! (01:51:22.806) Yeah. And you can find most of the shit on Tubi, but, you know, before that, it was like Shudder had a couple of them, but mostly whatever they had from whatever the license with vinegar syndrome.
Bryan! (01:51:34.48) Yeah, yeah. And that remains. I have tried to sort of track down some of the other movies that john Michael Bischoff is in because he acts in a couple more where he's the lead he directed an action movie that I can't remember the name of you look it up fairly easily. This stuff is not available anywhere. And it's probably there's probably it's probably not in English anyways, my Spanish is not good. So I don't
I would love to see it. I have a lot of fun with this. Thank god it's made. It was made. God bless you, Ruben Glendon Jr.
Dave! (01:52:10.238) And God bless you vinegar syndrome for bringing us this shit. Keep doing what you do.
Bryan! (01:52:13.948) Yep. So what's next?
Dave! (01:52:18.35) Oh man, it is October and we are going to be running through three versions of Halloween. And guess what everybody, I have very strong feelings about all three of them.
Dave! (01:52:34.134) But it probably comes as no surprise, because if anyone has learned anything about me, it's that I have very strong feelings about things in general. I sure do. We're gonna be starting with 2018. Is that when that one came out? That you liked that one.
Bryan! (01:52:34.433) Yeah.
Bryan! (01:52:40.98) You've got, you have takes, I would say. Yeah. So.
Bryan! (01:52:48.244) Yep.
Bryan! (01:52:51.996) I do. I and I'll tell you what. I know that they are not popular at all. I know that people feel uh people especially the last one. Um I have a very different take on those movies and I think that I think other people do. Um
Dave! (01:52:56.587) Not with me, they're not.
Bryan! (01:53:08.336) and that's why I tore to give him a pass. Originally, the way I wanted to do this was like, we would just say like, oh, hey, all right, now our next movie is Halloween. And everybody would be like, hooray, 1978. And then we just do this one. And then we'd go, okay, our next one is Halloween and not say which one. No, no, but also that makes it really hard to promote upcoming episodes if we're just alluding that every week we're doing the John Carpenter Halloween. So.
Dave! (01:53:24.132) Eh, I ruined the bit. I ruined the bit.
Dave! (01:53:34.378) Which I would happily just do the John Carpenter Halloween three times.
Bryan! (01:53:38.324) I'm going to go to the movies. probably got hours upon hours movie. So, Yep. So, uh yep. We'll time and uh in a week, I
Dave! (01:53:44.726) But we're starting with 2018 and we're working backwards.